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Tag: hot bun spanking

Hot Buns

by on Oct.18, 2017, under Spanking

On a recent trip, I noticed some quirky items while waiting to have lunch and had to snap a photo of the one that drew my attention the most.

It was an old fashioned stove that had a sign on it that warned people not to sit on it. I have a theory that most spankos would find a hot lady sitting on a hot stove to be at least mildly interesting, as long as the buns got painfully warm, but not damaged. Perhaps warm enough to jump up, rub her bottom and shout out loud, oooohhhooooo.

Emily Parker sits on a working heater while giving Spirit Sanctus a spanking

It made me remember this experiment I did on one of my shoots. A friend of mine long ago donated a heater, informing me that it was a good height to use for otk spankings.

The spanker and spankee are getting warms buns at the same time

I tried it once for a Christmas scene that appears on Girl Spanks Girl with Emily Parker and Spirit Sanctus. In the scene, we turned the heater on and Emily sits on it, puts Spirit over her knee, and gives her a long spanking.

As the scene progressed, Emily’s buns started to get very warm. But the end of the scene, she is rubbing her bottom, too, because it got uncomfortably toasty.

Warm buns. Should we try it again?

This was essentially a one-time test idea.  Since I never got any feedback on it, I never tried it again. But maybe I should revisit it? What do you think?  Is toasty buns a thing worth exploring again?

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