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Tag: Jenna Rose spanking

My Favorite Spanking Scenes of 2013

by on Jan.11, 2014, under Spanking

I may be tad late for my year end list of favorite spanking scenes, but better late than never I always say.  And keep in mind there were too many great ones to choose from, so my head exploded trying to make this list (that’s why it is so late). Also good to note that my favorite is girl spanking girl so that is all you will find on this list. And while other sites often make great spanking scenes, I am making what I like, so of course all of the scenes happen to be located on my sites.  Here goes (in reverse order)

Kay spanking Anikka Albrite on My Spanking Roommate

Kay spanking Anikka Albrite on My Spanking Roommate

10. Episode 147 from My Spanking Roommate. Kay Richards (Kymberly Jane) was spanked in Episode 144 by Anikka Albrite, who as it happens is quite a hard spanker.  But in this Episode, Kym got to spank Anikka, who has about as amazing as a bottom that you will find anywhere. And it jiggles nicely when spanked. And Anikka, not being used to getting spanked, nearly cried from this hand spanking.

Snow Mercy dominates Nikki Rogue

Snow Mercy dominates Nikki Rogue

9. Domme and Dommer from Spanked Call Girls.  Snow Mercy and Nikki Rogue are two amazing dominatrixs who had a spank-off in France to see who was more dominant. Two sexy pros doing their thing for spanking supremacy. What’s not to love?!

Sarah Gregory joins Spanking Veronica Works

Sarah Gregory joins Spanking Veronica Works

8. Sarah Gregory and Veronica Ricci love spanking each other. And this was their best switch scene, which appears on Spanking Veronica Works. So far. Lots of hard spanking and competitiveness going on here.

Madison Martin is dangerous with a paddle

Madison Martin is dangerous with a paddle

7. The Pinata spanking scene from Spanked Call Girls was a fan favorite that I loved as well. It starred 5 models all with nice big bums and was some of Madison Martin’s finest work. Ashley Rose and Aaliyah Love also stand out in this scene that was conceived and directed by Veronica.

Alexis Grace shows who is boss

Alexis Grace shows who is boss

6. Alexis Grace is extremely dominant and a very tall and powerful beauty. She controls this sexually charged scene that features two hotties, Layden Sin and Alyssa Branch. It lives in the erotic section of Girl Spanks Girl.

Syren De Mer as mom makes Jenna Rose cry

Syren De Mer as mom makes Jenna Rose cry

5. Ever since her first scene, MILF Syren De Mer has been wildly popular. She plays mom to Jenna Rose in one of the greatest Spanked Sweeties ever. Jenna cries real tears in this memorable scene.

Veronica paddles Starry Knight with "trouble paddle"

Veronica paddles Starry Knight with “trouble paddle”

4. Veronica has become quite an accomplished spanker and she did some of her finest work playing Starry Knight’s nanny on Spanked Sweeties. She spanked Starry long and hard with her hand and a large paddle. Starry cried in this scene and couldn’t believe how realistic and painful it was. Starry talked in her interview on Sweeties about how her nanny kept a paddle that she called “the trouble paddle” that was used on Starry when she was very naughty. Veronica embraced this and made this a spectacular scene!

Koko Kitten witnesses the return of Paris Kennedy

Koko Kitten witnesses the return of Paris Kennedy

3. I have shot a lot of scenes with multiple girls, but this scene on Spanking Sorority Girls just might be my favorite. It features 11 fantastic models and includes Paris Kennedy’s return to the sites. Ginger Sparks, Snow Mercy, Sarah Gregory, Christie Cutie, Koko Kitten and Phoenix Askani were some of the other stars. I would hold this up against any big scene ever shot in the spanking world as maybe the all time best big cast production.

Clare Fonda and Casey Calvert in historic scene

Clare Fonda and Casey Calvert in historic scene

2. The return of legend Clare Fonda to the spanking world coupled with up-and-coming superstar Casey Clavert, who also happened to be my 300th model, helped make this scene magical. And Clare brought the very traditional spanking style back to Girl Spanks Girl, which is much appreciated.

See what makes Christie Cutie so spankable!

See what makes Christie Cutie so spankable!

1. This scene went much longer than originally planned. And it was charged up with exploding energy from Christie Cutie and Veronica Ricci, who took extra care to make sure that Christie was fully humiliated along with being in pain. The set was a bizarre looking office that added to the quirkiness. There is some humor in the scene, but it also violent and angry and the spankings are very hard. This is a masterful scene that stood out to me from a long list of excellent and amazing scenes (not an easy task choosing my favorites). If you haven’t seen it, it’s on Spanking Veronica Works and you should check it out if you love to see girls spanking girls!!

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The Whacks Heard Around the World

by on Jan.06, 2014, under Spanking

Exactly 20 years ago on this very day in Detroit, Michigan, Nancy Kerrigan was whacked on her knee by Tonya Harding’s ex. It was called the “Whack Heard Around the World” because it meant the princess ice skater most likely wouldn’t be available for her next competition.

Which she wasn’t. She was better in time for the Olympics however, but still didn’t win gold. Tonya became a mess after that for her alleged involvement in the incident. If spanking was more widely accepted, perhaps the rift could’ve been resolved if Nancy was simply allowed to spank Tonya.

Trailer Trash vs. Ice Princess - spank off

Trailer Trash vs. Ice Princess – spank off

And of course since Nancy was a little spoiled, perhaps she could’ve used a good spanking, too.  It is with the spirit of this famous “whacking” that we present to you on this day, exactly 20 years after the famous incident, our own version with Veronica Ricci playing Tonya and Jenna Rose playing Nancy.

Two Penthouse Playmates of the year, whacking and spanking each other hard.  Our best possible tribute – now on Spanking Veronica Works.

You can read the article all about the original whack event HERE.

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Powerful Bonus Spanking

by on Nov.15, 2013, under Spanking, Spanking Interviews

I have done three interesting shoots this past week.

Jenna Rose spanks Maddy Marks

The first, with Maddy Marks and Jenna Rose was outstanding. We did a very traditional spanking scene that will appear on Girl Spanks Girl in which Jenna did a great job playing a stern, no-nonsense nurse who spanks the bratty Maddy very hard, with her hand and a powerful wooden paddle. Maddy can take a good one, so it was all good stuff!

Maddy’s revenge

Of course Maddy can give a find spanking, too. So Jenna gets a chance to see her bottom turn red.

New models were erotic, but light

The next shoot was all erotic spanking for a few of my sites, with two new models named Sunny Marie and Maryjane Mahem. This one was trouble in that I simply could not convince the models to spank each other with any kind of authority. Fortunately since it is erotic in nature, the lighter spanking is usually more accepted.

There is more to the story of this shoot, and it involves my friend Clare Fonda, who I texted during the shoot for suggestions. I’ll leave that as a mystery now, but Clare and I developed a plan during the shoot that will present itself in a few weeks from now.

“Mom” Lorelei spanks bratty daughter Christie

The most recent shoot was probably the most significant of the three, as it delivers excellent scenes for multiple sites, and starred three super models in the new Christie Stevens and the veterans Veronica Ricci and Lorelei Mission. Christie will appear in a few months as a Spanked Sweeties.

So what does this all have to do with my headline of “Powerful Bonus Spanking?” you ask. Well just from these three shoots, you will see such a range of how hard one lady will spank another. Sometimes very hard, sometimes, very light (even though she is capable of spanking harder – as Ms. Mahem declared – she CAN spank harder but she WON’T spank harder).

Even Snow Mercy can’t believe how hard Nikki is spanking Veronica for “fun”

There is a bonus spanking scene up on Girl Spanks Girl, as a part of the EE8 series – Part 2. Without any lighting, as this was an impromptu spanking that Nikki Rogue gave Veronica Ricci while we were just sitting around talking the night after the shoot – you will see how truly hard Nikki Rogue can spank.

She spanks Veronica harder than I have ever seen her spank anyone, and Nikki can spank pretty hard.  I asked her after why she spanked so much harder in this impromptu – fairly lengthy spanking outbreak – and she said it was more for fun, and not an official environment.

This is something I have often witnessed, when models just horsing around spank each other much harder than they do when the camera is actually rolling. I don’t know how to channel this into the actual shoots, but maybe with just no lighting, sitting around, and turning the camera on while they are horsing around is one way – as this bonus scene proves.

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