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Tag: Jennifer Lopez spanking

World’s Most Famous Butt

by on Jun.08, 2019, under Spanking

Jennifer Lopez is performing in Los Angeles this weekend and it got me thinking. Well, yes, I did try to score free tickets – unsuccessfully. What I was thinking, though, is that she probably has the most famous butt. Of all time.

Here is a butt worthy of being the most famous of all time

I’ve never seen her in person, but what I have seen in videos and photos, she seems worthy.  And there is some evidence that she enjoys spanking. It has been more than 10 years, but there was a time when she was married to some dude for about a year, and they made a tape – not a sex tape – but a tape that included spanking.

Does Jennifer Lopez have the world’s most famous butt? Hard to argue against

There are many articles about it – here is one. As far as I can tell, the tape of JLo gettting spanked by her then husband never surfaced for public consumption (wouldn’t that be a score for some spanking site?). But it is very satisfying  just knowing that JLo enjoys a good spanking like many of you reading this blog do. There are also some butt smacks in some of her videos and concerts.

Maybe JLo is a switch as here it appears she enjoys giving a spanking too

Here someone made a clip of Iggy Azalea slapping JLo’s butt on stage. Bummer I’m not seeing JLo in person this weekend, but here is a shout out to an attractive and talented lady with the world’s most famous butt (of all time).  Maybe some day our paths will cross and she will request a spanking from the Cameraman. Gotta dream big.


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