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Tag: John Osborne

Sarah Gregory Talks About Spanking Relationships

by on Nov.06, 2021, under Interviews, Spanking

We recently shot spanking superstar Sarah Gregory along with John Osborne (who is no slouch either) for Spanked Sweeties. Clare Fonda asked Sarah questions about her relationships in spanking and Sarah was incredibly sharing.

John Osborne re-enacts the first spanking he ever gave to partner Sarah Gregory

It is easily one of the most spectacular and revealing interviews on the site and is followed up with an outstanding spanking from John.

It was nice to have Clare conducting the interview as Clare was the first person in the spanking community that Sarah reached out to when she was about to start her modeling career. They have been great friends since and Sarah has had incredible success as a producer and model.

Sarah learned to love the crop early into her spanking relationships

This is a must-see for friends of Sarah and any of you who just like to hear an expert talk about how spanking can be successfully incorporated into a relationship.

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Implements Breaking

by on Jul.12, 2016, under Spanking

Lately it seems like implements are breaking left and right in shoots. The first photo shows a paddle that broke on Stevie Rose’s bottom in a recent scene on Spanked Call Girls.

Paddle broke on Stevie's butt, hairbrush a mystery butt

Paddle broke on Stevie’s butt, hairbrush a mystery butt

Next to it is a hairbrush that broke, but unfortunately I don’t even remember whose butt and what scene.

Sequence in which the large paddle broke on Stevie's bottom

Sequence in which the large paddle broke on Stevie’s bottom

Many implements have broken on Christy Cutie’s bottom.

Does Christy have a rock hard bottom?

Does Christy have a rock hard bottom?

I’m sharing a photo of a hairbrush that broke for a scene for Spanked Call Girls.

Christy cries about more than a broken hairbrush

Christy cries about more than a broken hairbrush

Of note in that scene, Christy cried real tears.

Sarah Gregory broke this belt

Sarah Gregory broke this belt

And finally, here is a shot of a broken belt from Clare Spanks Men. Sarah Gregory broke it on John Osborne’s bottom while she got carried away delivering a hard punishment.

John Osborne gets the angry belt in this instant classic

John Osborne gets the angry belt in this instant classic

Fun times, tough bottoms, tops with vigor all combine for some serious implement damage.

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