Tag: Kay Richards
Roommates Reaches Episode 500
by admin on Mar.03, 2024, under Spanking, spanking soap opera
The 500th episode of My Spanking Roommate is up now and it stars Madison Martin and her friend Masked Mallory, who did her only spanking shoot ever for this special occasion. Mallory also did a Spanked Sweeties scene with Madison.

Masked Mallory is Madison’s real life friend who did her one and only spanking shoot with Madison (turns out she spanks really, really hard!)
The Roommates site has been going strong for over 15 years now. The first scene starred Kay Richards and Madison Martin as roommates. Kay and Madison appear in 23 scenes together.
While Kay has now retired, Madison is going strong. She has appears in 156 scenes so far, with plans for many more. In fact we are shooting this afternoon with Madison and Dria. Kay has appeared in 131 episodes.
Clare Fonda comes in 3rd with 68 episodes, but Clare is still going strong so maybe she’ll catch Kay some day.
Thanks to all who have supported My Spanking Roommate and who knows, maybe some day we will make it to 1000 episodes.
Kymberly Jane Behind the Scenes
by admin on Dec.10, 2019, under Spanking, spanking soap opera
Kymberly Jane first appeared to us when she answered an ad on Craig’s List for Female Spanking Models Wanted. We were stunned when this 21 year old beauty showed up and thought we hit the jackpot with Craig’s List.

Kymberly Jane answered an ad and arrived on her 21st birthday to shoot her first ever spanking scene which can be found on Spanked Sweeties
Fun fact – we only had 2 other models respond to the ad, and one was actually a man wearing a wig. It was Kym’s 21st birthday when she arrived for the shoot and she said she had never been spanked before but was all in for trying it out. We used her for Spanked Sweeties, creating a new category called “Never Been Spanked” with the idea of showing members the reaction to a model being spanked for the first time. Kymberly had very amazing are real reactions and her bottom speckled quite quickly – all of which she was good with. Clare decided to give Kym and spanking model name that day – and Kay Richards was born. On her 21st birthday. We did give her a birthday spanking, too, which is included on her Sweeties page.
Kym let us know that she would shoot spanking with us any time. And also that she loved making out with other girls, so that is something she could add to scenes if we wanted. We had Kym kick off our erotic section of Girl Spanks Girl. You can check out the early erotic scenes on that site that stars Kym with many other spanking models such as Lilith, Lauren Legends, Alyssa Dior, Veronica Ricci and many others. Kym quickly proved that she could show love for the ladies, but also bring incredibly high energy to scenes, and was good at giving and receiving a sound spanking.

Photo above is from our first shoot with Madison & Kay for My Spanking Roommate 12 years ago – Episode 1 finds Madison spanking Kay – in Episode 2 Kay gets her revenge
Kym was so great that of course we wanted to feature her prominently. So we created a site for her to star in called My Spanking Roommate. She has been starring in that site since it kicked off 12 years ago. She was very into helping create the direction of the site. We shot at her apartment in what became the spanking apartment complex where only hot women lived and any time their was a squabble or someone didn’t pay rent on time it would be settled with a spanking.
Kym even contributed many of the spanking implements such as her hair brushes, wooded spoons and an Attitude Adjustment paddle that her mom gave her as a joke. Kym recommended shooting with a friend of hers who had a “great ass” and that recommendation was so spectacular (it was Madison Martin) that her friend became her roommate and also is still a star on the site.
They played new roommates in the first ever scene that appears on the site and they worked together for quite a few years. Originally the idea was to star them together in every third episode. Then it evolved to they star in their own episodes, roughly 2 out of every 3 episodes. And now that Madison shoots much less, Kym (Kay) still appears in every third episode but Madison is spread out a little more. They reunited for Episode 200 – spanking each other with a dreaded hairbrush. They both are in Episode 300, but getting spanked by other ladies while on the phone with each other. Maybe we will need to get them together when we make it to Episode 400.

Here Kym aka Kay Richards is in her latest scene (spanking Adriana Evans) up on My Spanking Roommate – expect to see her continue this starring role for as long as possible
On a personal note, I can’t speak highly enough about Kym, who I consider a friend. She is hard working, has lots of energy, is VERY funny – always cracking up models behind the scenes – and she is just a good person and a lot of fun to work with. And she wants all of her scenes to be the best that they can be and is literally willing to put her ass on the line to see that it happens. And as she is leaving after every shoot, she always turns her bum to me and asks me to give her a hard smack on her way out.
Made it to Episode 300 on MSR
by admin on Jan.05, 2019, under spanking soap opera
We just released our episode 300 on My Spanking Roommate and we made sure it was a special one. It’s nearly 20 mins long and includes both original roommates Kay Richards (Kymberly Jane) and Madison Martin.
Kay and Madison were in the first episode together 12 years ago and played roommates for about the first 6 years. Then for the sake of diversity, they split up and get new roommates every so often to keep the cast fresh. This spanking soap opera cast is up to 112 and counting.
Kay and Madison both appear in Episode 300, but on the phone, talking to each other while they each are getting spanked. They appeared together in Episode 200, spanking each other, and who knows, maybe we will reunite them for Episode 400. It’s hard to say when they might retire from modeling. Madison talks about it, but so far she still answers the bell when it’s time to shoot. They still look great and have outstanding bottoms. So we shall see how long the ride lasts with them as co-stars of the site.
Kay, as Kymberly Jane, does a high volume of fetish work, while Madison only shoots for this site now as she scales back on her modeling. Episode 300 also includes Emily Parker, who has become an outstanding spanker. And it introduces spanking star Adriana Evans to this site as the apartment complex manager who spanks Kay for being late with her rent. A common theme these past dozen years.
Hope you love this Episode. It was so much fun to shoot and has a super high energy to it! We look forward to presenting you with many more great scenes on our way to 400.
Many Mobile Friendly Files Added to Roommates Site
by admin on Mar.19, 2018, under Spanking, spanking soap opera
When the My Spanking Roommate site started about 10 years ago, it was our first site to shoot only on High Definition, beginning from the very first episode. That was the new trend at the time. And for the most part, it has remained so.
What could not be predicted back then was how quickly people would start wanting to view video clips solely on their phones, which of course wasn’t even possible for the regular cell owner back then. The past couple of years, I have had so many requests for mobile friendly scenes that I started making mobile friendly versions of every new file on all of the sites. But that didn’t begin regularly until about episode 170 of the Roommates site.

A montage of just some of the scenes that had mobile friendly version files added the last couple of weeks
Well I have spent many hours over the last couple of weeks adding over 150 mobile friendly files for most of the episodes on My Spanking Roommate. So enjoy it you members who only watch scenes on your phones. We got you covered.
There have been so many great stars appearing on the site, just about every implement, every spanking position, all kinds of impressive locations and of course plenty of Kay Richards and Madison Martin curvy bottoms as we storm our way toward 300 episodes.
Real Life Spanking Call
by admin on Mar.11, 2018, under Spanking, spanking soap opera
A fascinating bit of behind-the-scenes magic happened while making episode 270, currently running on My Spanking Roommate. The scene calls for Elori Stix to call someone while she is being spanked by Kay Richards (Kymberly Jane). But Elori actually called someone she knew while getting spanked. Everything she says was actually heard by a very confused friend of hers on the other line – while Elori received a hard spanking.
Once the scene was finished, Elori needed to call the person back to explain it was just a prank and that she is okay – other than having a well spanked bottom that was part of her job for the day. Wouldn’t we all enjoy receiving a call like that some day?!
The Mirror Spanking is Back
by admin on Aug.24, 2017, under Spanking, spanking soap opera
There is a very good scene up now on My Spanking Roommate that brings back Stevie Rose as a cop who believes in stern discipline. She spanks Elori Stix and Kay Richards for jaywalking. The scene features a favorite of many – the mirror shot, which is something that lets you see the face react at the same time you see the bottom getting spanked.
It works really well in this scene, which also includes the popular third girl watching the spanking, either anticipating what might happen when it becomes her turn over the knee, as Elori must do, or rubbing her bottom in pain, as Kay does after she gets the first spanking in this episode. It’s always a challenge to do the mirror shot – to not show any lights or a cameras, but it has a big payoff when it all works well.
Of course there are other shots as well, that focus on other elements to the spanking, including close ups of the facial reactions and the bottoms turning red. Stevie has come a long way as a spanker and she really packs a punch.
Elori rubs her bottom at the end, and Kay has trouble sitting down – all very real expressions of what happened. Hope you all enjoy the mirror work.
Dani Daniels is Model #350
by admin on Mar.03, 2016, under spanking soap opera
Our 350th model is the spectacular Dani Daniels. Many of you have seen Dani on some other spanking sites the past few years, and we are excited that she shot her first spanking scene for us with the lovely Kay Richards for My Spanking Roommate.
Dani plays a pilot who spanks Kay upon her suggestion – “spank me instead of firing me.” It’s a very solid hand spanking that turned Kay’s bottom bright red.
And ironically, Dani told us she is in the process of getting her actual pilot’s license. We shot a few scenes for the Roommies site, so look for Dani getting spanked by Kay in a future episode.
And the experience was so great that some time this year there are plans to shoot Dani for other sites as well. She would definitely make a great Sweeties!!
Really couldn’t be any happier with how it worked out for this very special Model #350.
Early Retirement
by admin on Feb.06, 2016, under spanked call girls, spanking soap opera
Some spanking models are around for a number of years. 10, 20 years for some of the all time greats. Though many don’t make it to that decade mark or some will re-invent themselves, taking the mom or MILF roles as they get a little older.
But some are gone before they even get going. I was very excited when I shot Mia Vallis a few years ago. I saw her at Fet Con in Florida in 2013. I never got to meet her or find out what her name was there, but I somehow managed to track her down, write her and set up her first ever spanking shoot when she came to Los Angeles.
The reason she stood out to me so much was her combination of height and beauty. She is the tallest model I have shot at 6 ft 2 in. She is slim, with long legs, and a curvy bottom. What’s not to love? The first time I met her, I was thrilled at how sweet she was and eager to deliver what we wanted in a shoot.
She didn’t have a very high tolerance for spanking, but she took all that she could. So her reactions are VERY real. The first scene she ever shot was with Bondage Bettie, who helped teach Mia how to be a good spanker. She shot for My Spanking Roommate (many times), Spanked Call Girls and Spanking Veronica Works, in which she appears in a spectacular scene as a volleyball player (she actually plays).
I had plans to shoot her much more, but she has disappeared from the grid. After just a couple of years, she seems to have bolted from the fetish modeling world (she was a rising bondage star). Sometimes this happens because a model’s personal life finds interference with her line of work. Sometimes a model has simply had enough of this world and transitions into a more vanilla job.
On a rare occasion, a model will pop up again after something changes in her life and hit me up for a shoot again. If this happens with Mia, great I’ll shoot her again of course. If not, enjoy her run on My Spanking Roommate as Kay’s roommate. There are a couple more episodes until I run out of Mia content. In the meantime, if you run across a very tall, sweet, beautiful model with a curvy bottom who is willing to push her pain tolerance levels, send her my way!
Clare Fonda’s Last Ever New Spanking Scene Up Now
by admin on Jan.03, 2013, under spanking soap opera
Clare Fonda’s last ever new spanking scene is now running on My Spanking Roommate. I sent Clare some questions today in hopes that she might consent to an interview to fill you all in on what she has been up to and how much she might miss us.
But for now I will tell you my angle of this last scene’s shoot. At the time, we new it would be the last ever scene because it was set at New Year’s – so that would push back its release a good while after Clare retired from spanking shoots. Kay Richards (Kyberly Jane) and Snow Mercy were in the scene – and their characters were saying goodbye to Clare, who was moving out of the apartment complex.
They made some toasts and of course did some spanking. They all got a little emotional, knowing that this would be an ending of sorts. So there were some near-tear moments. And Clare wanted to make sure it was a good scene, so she spanked a little extra hard, and she goaded the others into spanking her hard as well.
It is a worthy send off for Clare. She is missed! Hope you enjoy her last scene.
Merry Christmas Spankings!
by admin on Dec.21, 2012, under Spanking