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Tag: Kiva

Found Spanking Footage

by on Nov.14, 2018, under Spanking, Top Spanking Sites

When Clare Fonda and I started our spanking empire in the year 2000, we initially shot scenes that were released on VHS tape. At our first Shadow Lane Party in the early 2000s we sold hundreds of VHS tapes, as this was the only way to view our stuff.

Young Paris Kennedy and Kat appear in this never released on the web scene

Within a few years, spanking sites on the internet became the new way to get our material out there. And we shot new scenes exclusively for the websites, and also added some of the scenes that were only on VHS. Well Clare and I both did some digging for those old original video tapes (they were mastered on a format called DVC-Pro). We found a few scenes that have never been released on the web and were in fact, only sold at that one Shadow Lane party back in around 2002.

This scene introduces curvy Bana to the web as she spanks and gets spanked by Kat

So for the first time you will get to see Kiva and Bana, two of our early stars with curvy bottoms who could take and give a good spanking. Up now on Girls Spanks Girl is The Sleepover, which stars Bana and Kat. It is standard definition, of course, but I bought an old DVD-Pro deck so I could remaster it on our current web standards (in 4 x 3 format though).

Kiva will make her debut in this scene in which she is tied up and spanked by Nun Clare

Sadly, we couldn’t track down any original photos, so you will be getting frame grabs from standard def. vids. – but the videos look better than the frame grabs. Holy Spanks Part 2 will be Kiva’s introduction, and will also appear on Girl Spanks Girl.

Kiva can dish out a nice spanking, as Clare discovers

We haven’t yet found all of our old originals, though Clare is on a driven mission to help me find as many as possible and we will both be digging through our respective garages over the next few months to get you unseen classics or sometimes remastered oldies-but-goodies.  Hope you enjoy!

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