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Tag: Kyla Keys spanking

Clare Fonda Vs. Kyla Keys

by on May.05, 2022, under spanked call girls, spanking soap opera, spanking sorority girls

A short while back, Clare Fonda introduced me to her friend Kyla Keys, who got into porn a bit later than usual, but was all in on any kind of kink imaginable.

Episode 301 of Sorority site Kyla spanked Clare for spanking sorority girls without permission

So we did a couple of shoots as Kyla basically learned how to take and give a very solid spanking from one of the greats –  Clare frickin Fonda. Kyla is on the shorter side, but has an excellent booty for spanking as you may note in the photo below.

In Episode 231 on Spanking Veronica Works Kyla gets spanked by her former babysitter Clare

Kyla and Clare have great chemistry together and their scenes are electric, sometimes very realistic and sometimes quite comedic. And while the spankings are not severe, they are very real and very firm.  Kyla drives home with a bottom that is very painful to sit on. And Kyla has shot for all 7 of our sites. So that is a very sore bottom.

In Episode 428 of Roommates Kyla plays a Mormon mom who spanks pervy Clare

In the last week or so, four of her scenes with Clare have been released on My Spanking Roommate, Spanking Veronica Works, Spanking Sorority Girls and Girl Spanks Girl.  The Girl Spanks Girl scene was an ambitious reboot (we called it “rebooty” on set) of the classic “Soccer Moms.”

Clare and Chelsea Pfeiffer spanked each other in the original classic “Soccer Moms”

The original, on Girl Spanks Girl, starred Clare with Chelsea Pfeiffer, who gets a shout out in the reboot.

In the reboot of “Soccer Moms” Kyla Keys and Clare Fonda spank each other with vigor

In the rebooty, there are two very long spankings as Clare and Kyla go at each other’s bums with vigor. And of course it involves a hairbrush and a reference to future spankings.

Clare says she will spank her daughter, who started this feud.  And that is a scene we plan to shoot with Clare and a new model playing her daughter in the next few weeks. In the meantime enjoy a large dose of Clare Vs. Kyla.

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