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Tag: Layden Sinn

Layden Sinn Gets a Real Spanking

by on Jun.26, 2012, under Spanking


A series has started running on Girl Spanks Girl called the Naughty Tutor.  Alexis Grace, who shoots with us whenever she is in town, plays the Tutor.  Alexis is about 6 ft tall and muscular.

She has developed the ability to spank very hard and she always works to bring her arm way up when she spanks (which gives her impact more force).  She is also very stern in real life and on videos as a top.  She embraced this role.


And she is very naughty, too, and loves to talk dirty and play with other girls.  So she was perfect for this part and had a blast shooting it.  In the first scene of the series, she spanks Layden Sinn.

In my opinion, Layden is as beautiful as any model I have ever worked with.  She is also naturally defiant, so she channeled her inner brattiness to perfection, and it got her spanked a little harder from Alexis.  To be clear, though, behind the scenes Layden is very sweet, with just a hint of brat.


Layden’s porcelain white bubble butt got very red in this scene.  She does not enjoy spanking, she took a  spanking that was probably a little harder than she expected to tolerate.  So believe me, this is a very real spanking.  And aside from a few playful swats she has received in scenes with other girls in the adult biz (she does only girl/girl scenes), this was the first ever real spanking for Layden.

Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I do and I look forward to continuing what I plan to be a five part series.

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Spanking Sounds: Porn star edition

by on May.08, 2012, under Spanking

Alexis Grace Spanks Layden Sinn

I did a shoot recently that featured adult actress Layden Sinn, who is very hot and you will be loving her spanking scenes.  She was making very sincere and well deserved “ows’ as Alexis Grace spanked her for two scenes.  In the third scene, it was Layden’s turn to spank Alexis.  Well if you have ever heard how Alexis Grace responds to being spanked, you will know it is loud and includes wails that could be interpreted as orgasms.

To be very clear, Alexis has a low pain tolerance (in my opinion) and the spankings really, really hurt her.  I guess she just makes a lot of crazy sounds when in pain.

So on a break, Layden said to us “I didn’t know we were supposed to make those kinda sounds when we got spanked. ”  Alexis and I laughed and explained that Layden’s reactions were perfect.  Very real.  She said “they were real.”  We explained that is simply how Alexis responds to being spanked.


Which brings me to the above photo of adult star Chloe James being spanked by fetish model Ludella Hahn for Hot Girls Spanked.

Like Alexis, Chloe was in pain during the spanking, and like Alexis, she wailed like she was having some kind of orgasmic blend of pain and pleasure.  Glad to say, the clip of Chloe has been very popular.

The upcoming Alexis and Layden scenes will appear in June on Girl Spanks Girl.  No doubt they will be popular as well.

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