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Tag: lift and carry

Lift & Carry

by on May.14, 2015, under Spanking

Occasionally I will get a request for a lift and carry.  That is when one model lifts and walks around another.

Veronica impulsively lifts Bailey Pagie

Veronica impulsively lifts Bailey Pagie

I have never been able to work out a custom for this specific fetish because often the request will involve two tiny models or even on one occasion a request for a tiny model to lift and carry a much larger model. Whenever there has been a lift & carry on one of our spanking scenes, it has come from a model impulsively lifting another, rather than a specific custom request.

Ashley Rose can lift Veronica

Ashley Rose can lift Veronica

Veronica Ricci has done this sometimes when she works with a tiny model.  This is the case of the current Spanking Veronica Works scene in which Veronica lifts the VERY tiny Bailey Paige.

Mostly, though, Veronica spanks Bailey

Mostly, though, Veronica spanks Bailey

This was Bailey’s first ever spanking shoot (we shot this scene and her scene for Spanked Call Girls at the same time) and she didn’t really know what to expect.

We learn Bailey can take a sound spanking

We learn Bailey can take a sound spanking

So she was surprised when Veronica hoisted her up before tossing her over her knee for a spanking.  Bailey can take a pretty sound spanking, we quickly learned. Maybe we’ll shoot Bailey again, and if so, she will need to be lifted.

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