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Tag: Madison Martin

Roommates Reaches Episode 500

by on Mar.03, 2024, under Spanking, spanking soap opera

The 500th episode of My Spanking Roommate is up now and it stars Madison Martin and her friend Masked Mallory, who did her only spanking shoot ever for this special occasion. Mallory also did a Spanked Sweeties scene with Madison.

Masked Mallory is Madison’s real life friend who did her one and only spanking shoot with Madison (turns out she spanks really, really hard!)

The Roommates site has been going strong for over 15 years now.  The first scene starred Kay Richards and Madison Martin as roommates. Kay and Madison appear in 23 scenes together.

2008 – Madison and Kay spank each other in the first scene for the site – this is Episode 2

While Kay has now retired, Madison is going strong. She has appears in 156 scenes so far, with plans for many more. In fact we are shooting this afternoon with Madison and Dria. Kay has appeared in 131 episodes.

Clare Fonda appears here is Episode 7 on the site. She has made the 3rd most appearances

Clare Fonda comes in 3rd with 68 episodes, but Clare is still going strong so maybe she’ll catch Kay some day.

Here a some of the most popular episodes with Madison spanking and getting spanked

Thanks to all who have supported My Spanking Roommate and who knows, maybe some day we will make it to 1000 episodes.

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Madison Martin’s Anniversary

by on Mar.28, 2023, under spanked girlfriends, Spanking, spanking soap opera

Madison Martin did her first shoot with us 15 years ago today. Her most recent scene appeared on My Spanking Roommate last week.

2023 – Madison Martin going strong in this scene released last week on MSR Episode 462

Madison looks pretty much the same in these two shoots (our most recent shoot with her — pictured above — and our first 15 years ago — pictured below), maybe even better in the most recent scene, with a few extra tattoos of course.

2008 – Madison and Kay spank each other in the first scenes for the site – this is Episode 2

Madison was introduced to us by Kay Richards (Kymberly Jane) as someone she had worked with and we kicked off the site with them as roommates in an apartment complex where spanking is common place.

2013 – Madison can give or take a good spanking. Not sure why this is Episode 99 and not 100.

Madison works out a lot and takes care of herself, but you can look at the photos, or videos if you are a member of the site, and decide for yourself how much she has maintained her looks in the last 15 years.

2015 – Madison and Kay spank each other in Episode 200, one of their best scenes ever!

While Kay appeared on the site for about 12 years before moving out of state and semi-retiring from modeling, Madison has pursed work outside of modeling, but has agreed to continue shooting for this one site exclusively for “at least a few more years, we’ll see.”

2019 – Madison dreads the hairbrush, that’s why we had to use it for landmark Episode 300

Madison has changed her hair many times, and her bottom grows or shrinks a tiny bit from year to year, but she has kept her fun sense of humor and high energy and ability to forget what’s supposed to happen next (hence many hilarious outtakes).

2021 – Madison is a very fit blonde in episode 400, appearing with series regular Stevie Rose

As we approach our 500th episode for My Spanking Roommate, I feel confident that Madison will appear in that noteworthy scene. And if we’re lucky, she’ll make it to 600 or more.

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Christmas Spanking Bonuses

by on Dec.23, 2022, under Spanking, spanking soap opera

As our gift to members we are adding a bonus clip to all 7 sites on Sunday. Merry Christmas!

Lexi Holland & Madison Martin paddle and spank a bad-boy co-worker for Clare Spanks Men

And we also added a few Christmas scenes that are up on some of the sites.

Boss Constance gives her employee Greasy Rose a spanking and paddling at the holiday party

On Girl Spanks Girl, there is a spanking in the office scene with Constance and Greasy Rose. It may not be a very hard spanking, but Rose definitely had a sore bottom after this scene, that ends with the Brat paddle.

Lexi Holland gives Madison Martin a spanking in the break room at the Office Holiday party

And finally, sexy Lexi Holland gives Madison Martin a sound spanking on her curvy bottom, which also concludes with the Brat paddle for the My Spanking Roommate site.

Wishing you all a Happy Holiday and Great New Year!!

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Smile While You Spank Your Roommate

by on Apr.20, 2022, under Spanking

Apparently spanking your roommate can bring a smile to your face, as you can see from these photos taken on the set of My Spanking Roommate shoots.

Clare Fonda excels at getting her scene partner to crack a smile during their photo set

In Episode 408 on the site there is a fantastic spanking when a crazy Clare Fonda spanks her roommate for making fun of the creepy dolls on her wall.  In this episode her roommate Nikki Sweet gets to spank Clare. It’s funny yes, and maybe that’s why Nikki is smiling in this photo.  Or maybe it’s because Clare is just so funny and was trying to get her scene partner to crack up. Which she did more than once.

Dria is cracking up at something Rachel Adams said during the photo shoot for Episode 425

In episode 425 Dria cracks up just as she finished shooting the photo set for the spanking she gave Rachel Adams, who is pulling up her shorts.  Dria seems to be very happy and quick to laugh, but I don’t recall what Rachel said to set her off this time.  Rachel has a very dry sense of humor. So it must’ve been good.

Sky Terrapin flashes a giant smile while spanking Madison Martin’s juicy booty in Epi 432

In upcoming episode 432 Sky Terrapin flashes a big smile while she is spanking Madison Martin, who also can be very funny.  Or maybe Sky is just really happy to be spanking Madison’s famous juicy booty.

Enjoy the spanking and enjoy the smiles!

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Actually – more Christmas

by on Dec.26, 2021, under spanked call girls, Spanking

Well, in my last post I said there would be just one Christmas scene on the sites this year.  Then a location was changed at the last minute recently (after my last blog post) and we moved the shoot to somewhere that provided Christmas outfits and some decorations and, well it was nearly Christmas time, so we shot a Christmas spanking scene for My Spanking Roommate and it’s up now and features our newest model, Sky Terrapin (in her debut scene), and Madison Martin.

In her debut scene tall beauty Sky Terrapin gives Madison Martin a sound Christmas spanking

Sky is an enthusiastic spanker and I expect her to be well received for all that she adds to her scenes.

Technically this is a Holiday spanking as Dria messed up her decoration duties with a coffin

Also, our latest scene on Spanked Call Girls could technically be considered a Christmas scene as Dria was supposed to decorate the Cat House for the “Holiday” party but does so by renting a coffin. She (of course) gets spanked by Tiana Irie for this bad choice.

Hope you all had a very, very Merry Christmas!!

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Episode 400 On My Spanking Roommate

by on Jul.29, 2021, under mother/daughter spanking, Spanking, spanking soap opera

Recently the history of My Spanking Roommate was discussed a bit. Look HERE is you missed that post.  Well, Episode 400 will be debuting tomorrow on the site.

Madison Martin’s famous spanked bottom looks as amazing as ever!

In short, about 13 years ago, Kay Richards told us about her friend Madison Martin, who had “the most amazing ass ever” and from that conversation the site was hatched with Kay and Madison as roommates in an apartment complex where spanking is acceptable. And administered often!

Kay and Madison rub each other’s sore, red bottoms after spanking each other in Episode 200

Kay and Madison appeared in several episodes together initially, then separately they appeared in every third or fourth episode with a different model. These models would become regulars then and the site progresses like a soap opera with regulars plus recurring characters.

At one point Madison appeared less, and recently Kay has stop shooting, so now it is Madison still going strong.

Stevie Rose gives Madison Martin a heavy hand spanking in Episode 400

In our eventful Episode 400, Stevie Rose plays Madison’s new Step Mother, who decides to give Madison a heavy hand spanking.

Madison’s bottom was very sore this day. And still as curvy as ever!

Madison shot a few scenes this day, the others with implements. So this spanking really left her very sore, getting spanked by the heavy-handed Stevie on her already sore bottom.

Hope you enjoy our landmark episode and we shall see if Madison will make it to Episode 500.

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Outdoor Spanking

by on May.23, 2021, under spanked call girls, Spanking, spanking soap opera

Shooting spanking scenes outside has always been a challenge because the sound of a hand smacking a bottom tends to draw a lot of attention. Also, once the bottom is bare, the risk is amplified.  But we have done some exciting outdoor spankings in the past that have been examined in this blog.

Apricot Pitts spanks Wolfie in one of our first scenes shot poolside at our new location

We have been filming at a new location the past year in which shooting in their very large backyard has become an option.  One of the first scenes shot in this location, near their pool, featured new model Wolfie playing a pool cleaner for rich girl Apricot Pitts, who of course ended up spanking her poolside for Girl Spanks Girl.

Veronica Ricci dominates Yasmine Sinclair outside on the lawn

Veronica Ricci then spanked Yasmine Sinclair in their lawn section for Spanking Veronica Works.  It was very windy that day so we just shot the opening outside, then the rest inside so the sound wouldn’t be too bad.

Apricot gets a very hard spanking with the wooden bath brush from Yasmine Sinclair

In an upcoming scene for Spanked Call Girls, Apricot Pitts gets a spanking in the garden from Yasmine Sinclair. We (or mostly Apricot) learned how very hard Yasmine can spank with this scene.

You can witness Madison Martin spanking Stevie Rose outside in the next month or so

And in an upcoming scene for My Spanking Roommate Madison Martin spanks Stevie Rose on the patio.  This scene testing how loud we can go and not have the neighbors call the cops.

In most cases, the neighbors may have heard the sounds, but thankfully ignored them.  So please enjoy the daring outside spanking scenes!

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Madison Martin Going Strong

by on Mar.21, 2021, under Spanking, spanking soap opera

Madison Martin was in our very first (and second) episodes on My Spanking Roommate about 13 years ago.

A photo from the first scene ever shot for the site (episode 2) Kay spanks new Madison

Along with Kay Richards they are the series regulars. For a while a couple of years ago, Madison retired from shooting anything, but for the last couple of years she has been back for this site and looks as great as ever.

Madison has done scenes with spanking and fetish models as well as porn stars

Madison has shot with many well known spanking stars and fetish models. And sometimes porn stars. She is great at working with models on all levels.

Lots of curvy bottoms in Madison’s scenes, led by her own juicy booty – with sound spanks

Her bottom is nice and curvy and she has taken many sound spankings over the years. And has dished out many, as well. From hand spankings to every imaginable implement.

Madison always brings lots of energy to her scenes – often shot in interesting locations

Madison has does many domestic scenes, breaking in new roommates, and also shot in some exotic locations, including jails, alleys, offices, diners and classrooms.  Madison was in many of the first 100 episodes, but as we approached the century mark, it seemed like we would be transitioning into new stars for the sites.  So Madison and Kay didn’t appear in Episode 100.

Kay Richards and Madison Martin spank each other very hard in the magical Episode 200

But they were both so popular that one or both have been included at each century mark thereafter.  As well as many in between.  So far, Madison has appeared in 118 episodes on the site (and counting).

Madison is spanked while talking to Kay who is getting spanked by Adriana Evans for Ep 300

For Episode 300, Madison and Kay each got spanked separately, but called each other during their respective spanking. Which was both funny and painful.  As we get very close to our 400th Episode, Kay Richards is on break from spanking shoots (hopefully she will return and not retire).

Stevie Rose spanks Madison Martin for the upcoming Episode 400

But Madison gets spanked by the site semi-regular Stevie Rose for Episode 400, which will come out about a month from now.

Madison Martin is a joy to work with, always provides excellent outtakes and has an amazing round booty that is made for spanking.

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Kymberly Jane Behind the Scenes

by on Dec.10, 2019, under Spanking, spanking soap opera

Kymberly Jane first appeared to us when she answered an ad on Craig’s List for Female Spanking Models Wanted. We were stunned when this 21 year old beauty showed up and thought we hit the jackpot with Craig’s List.

Kymberly Jane answered an ad and arrived on her 21st birthday to shoot her first ever spanking scene which can be found on Spanked Sweeties

Fun fact – we only had 2 other models respond to the ad, and one was actually a man wearing a wig. It was Kym’s 21st birthday when she arrived for the shoot and she said she had never been spanked before but was all in for trying it out.  We used her for Spanked Sweeties, creating a new category called “Never Been Spanked” with the idea of showing members the reaction to a model being spanked for the first time.  Kymberly had very amazing are real reactions and her bottom speckled quite quickly – all of which she was good with. Clare decided to give Kym and spanking model name that day – and Kay Richards was born. On her 21st birthday.  We did give her a birthday spanking, too, which is included on her Sweeties page.

Kmyberly Jane loves to play with other women – such as Anita Blue pictured above

Kym let us know that she would shoot spanking with us any time. And also that she loved making out with other girls, so that is something she could add to scenes if we wanted. We had Kym kick off our erotic section of Girl Spanks Girl. You can check out the early erotic scenes on that site that stars Kym with many other spanking models such as Lilith, Lauren Legends, Alyssa Dior, Veronica Ricci and many others.  Kym quickly proved that she could show love for the ladies, but also bring incredibly high energy to scenes, and was good at giving and receiving a sound spanking.

Photo above is from our first shoot with Madison & Kay for My Spanking Roommate 12 years ago – Episode 1 finds Madison spanking Kay – in Episode 2 Kay gets her revenge

Kym was so great that of course we wanted to feature her prominently. So we created a site for her to star in called My Spanking Roommate. She has been starring in that site since it kicked off 12 years ago.  She was very into helping create the direction of the site.  We shot at her apartment in what became the spanking apartment complex where only hot women lived and any time their was a squabble or someone didn’t pay rent on time it would be settled with a spanking.

This is Kym’s attitude adjustment paddle that her mom gave her as a joke – not so funny now

Kym even contributed many of the spanking implements such as her hair brushes, wooded spoons and an Attitude Adjustment paddle that her mom gave her as a joke. Kym recommended shooting with a friend of hers who had a “great ass” and that recommendation was so spectacular (it was Madison Martin) that her friend became her roommate and also is still a star on the site.

Kym and Madison spank other ladies but occasionally – but rarely – still appear together

They played new roommates in the first ever scene that appears on the site and they worked together for quite a few years. Originally the idea was to star them together in every third episode. Then it evolved to they star in their own episodes, roughly 2 out of every 3 episodes. And now that Madison shoots much less, Kym (Kay) still appears in every third episode but Madison is spread out a little more.  They reunited for Episode 200 – spanking each other with a dreaded hairbrush. They both are in Episode 300, but getting spanked by other ladies while on the phone with each other. Maybe we will need to get them together when we make it to Episode 400.

Here Kym aka Kay Richards is in her latest scene (spanking Adriana Evans) up on My Spanking Roommate – expect to see her continue this starring role for as long as possible

On a personal note, I can’t speak highly enough about Kym, who I consider a friend. She is hard working, has lots of energy, is VERY funny – always cracking up models behind the scenes – and she is just a good person and a lot of fun to work with. And she wants all of her scenes to be the best that they can be and is literally willing to put her ass on the line to see that it happens. And as she is leaving after every shoot, she always turns her bum to me and asks me to give her a hard smack on her way out.

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Made it to Episode 300 on MSR

by on Jan.05, 2019, under spanking soap opera

We just released our episode 300 on My Spanking Roommate and we made sure it was a special one. It’s nearly 20 mins long and includes both original roommates Kay Richards (Kymberly Jane) and Madison Martin.

Madison Martin’s bottom looks as amazing as it did 12 years ago when the site started

Kay and Madison were in the first episode together 12 years ago and played roommates for about the first 6 years. Then for the sake of diversity, they split up and get new roommates every so often to keep the cast fresh.  This spanking soap opera cast is up to 112 and counting.

Adriana Evans debuts in Episode 300 spanking Kay while she is on the phone to Madison

Kay and Madison both appear in Episode 300, but on the phone, talking to each other while they each are getting spanked. They appeared together in Episode 200, spanking each other, and who knows, maybe we will reunite them for Episode 400.  It’s hard to say when they might retire from modeling. Madison talks about it, but so far she still answers the bell when it’s time to shoot. They still look great and have outstanding bottoms. So we shall see how long the ride lasts with them as co-stars of the site.

Kay actually recruited Madison to be on the site as they were real life friends with a kinky side

Kay, as Kymberly Jane, does a high volume of fetish work, while Madison only shoots for this site now as she scales back on her modeling. Episode 300 also includes Emily Parker, who has become an outstanding spanker. And it introduces spanking star Adriana Evans to this site as the apartment complex manager who spanks Kay for being late with her rent. A common theme these past dozen years.

Kay and Madison always dreaded the wooden hairbrush. Had to include one for Episode 300

Hope you love this Episode. It was so much fun to shoot and has a super high energy to it! We look forward to presenting you with many more great scenes on our way to 400.

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