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Tag: Madison Martin spanking

Smiling At Spanks

by on Feb.11, 2021, under mother/daughter spanking, spanking soap opera, Top Spanking Sites

It’s been a while since I have offered some behind-the-scenes smiles from our beautiful cast members. So here goes.

Both Iris and Madison Martin find time to smile while taking photos for their spanking set

First from My Spanking Roommate, as you will notice Madison Martin is appearing more and more on the site. She is always good for cutting up on set and this time she gets Iris to smile as well. Yes those spankings sting, but there is definitely some fun going on during the shoot as well.

Dare anyone to shoot with Clare Fonda and not bust out laughing as Delilah Day does here

Delilah Day was a joy to work with, and who can do a scene with the always hilarious Clare Fonda and not crack up at some point as Delilah does here in this scene from Spanked Call Girls.

Snow Mercy can illicit a smile from a model on occasion as she does from Maddy Marks

Next up, enjoy the smile of another regular, Maddy Marks, who is getting spanked by Snow Mercy for a Spanked Sweeties scene.

When the real life domme Snow Mercy gets spanked she sometimes cracks a smile

But Snow will pop a smile on occasion, too, as she does when getting spanked by Veronica Ricci for a scene from Spanking Veronica Works. Snow is used to being the domme, so maybe she thinks it’s funny that someone is trying to top her.

Hope you enjoy the scenes as much as the models did!

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AlexH is Back

by on Jun.23, 2017, under Spanking, spanking sorority girls

The Brazilian beauty AlexH is back, this time on My Spanking Roommate. She was recommended by someone I know, since she has done a little bit of modeling in the past, but nothing high profile, is mostly out of modeling, but wanted to explore doing a spanking shoot, since she has some interest in spanking.

The Brazilian beauty AlexH makes her debut on My Spanking Roommate

She debuted on Spanking Veronica Works, in the St. Patrick’s Day scene. Now she is going to be Madison Martin’s new roommate for some episodes. Like all roommates of Madison, she has to read the rules of the apartment while she is over Madison’s knee receiving a firm spanking.

Alex’s amazing bottom got very red and speckled in this scene!

AlexH was game for taking it as hard as she could, and Madison turns her bottom red and speckled. She is going to try giving Madison a serous spanking – something she has yet to do, for an upcoming episode. AlexH likes to wear very short shorts, which I happen to be a big fan of, and the shorts she wore in this scene are all hers.

AlexH gets bright red up close and personal

AlexH is quiet, but she seemed game to shoot again.  So keep an eye out, especially when she gives Madison a spanking.

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Celebrating Episode 200

by on Sep.08, 2015, under spanking soap opera

It was 8 years ago when Clare and I approached Kay Richards (aka Kymberly Jane) about starring in a new site called My Spanking Roommate. We first met Kym a few years before that when she answered a Craigslist ad for models who had never been spanked. And then Kym got her first ever spanking from Clare for Spanked Sweeties.

This is Kay's first ever spanking - from Sweeties

This is Kay’s first ever spanking – from Sweeties

Kym actually asked about using the name Kym for the shoot, but Clare thought it would be a good idea to create a spanking name for her. We believe this was Kym’s first, or close to first shoot ever – and certainly her first spanking shoot. A star was born.

Kay and Madison meet for the first time for Episode 1 in 2008.

Kay and Madison meet for the first time for Episode 1 in 2008.

And no, Craigslist never gave us another model of note – so for us Kym was the one and only Craigslist superstar. After shooting many scenes for us over the next couple of years, we approached Kym about starring in her own site, a spanking soap opera.

Kay gets spanked first for Episode 1

Kay gets spanked first for Episode 1

But she would need a roommate for the site. She pitched her friend Madison Martin, who was already shooting spanking scenes for a few other sites.

Kay gets her revenge in the next episode.

Kay gets her revenge in the next episode.

We fell in love with Madison’s beauty and curvy bottom and in 2008, we started shooting scenes with the 2 roommates. Since it was a soap opera, we had to make elaborate story lines and introduce a series of characters.

Madison deep in thought about what name to make up for her new roommate.

Madison deep in thought about what name to make up for her new roommate.

A few interesting notes about the site and this episode: Episode 100 did not star Kay or Madison and we caught a lot of flack about that so we made certain that they were the stars of Episode 200, even though they are no longer roommates on the site.

We shot the first few years in Kym’s real apartment, but note to stalkers – she has since moved so don’t bother trying to figure out where that was.

Kay gets her bum speckled cuz they wanted it hard.

Kay gets her bum speckled cuz they wanted it hard.

The paintings on the walls of Kay’s apartment are all her actual paintings as she is quite the artist. Madison has an amazing singing voice but she doesn’t want to sing in episodes (though she did get spanked by Chloe Elise while singing a Christmas song for Episode 69).

They even insisted on taking the dreaded hairbrush!

They even insisted on taking the dreaded hairbrush!

We shot this episode 200 a number of months before it was released. So despite an advanced story line for the soap opera, we weren’t sure who their roommates would be when Episode 200 was released (they change roommates often now).  And the premise behind the episode was that Madison and Kay were spanking each other to learn who their new roommates were.

Madison gets the hairbrush, too

Madison gets the hairbrush, too

So we had each model make up a roommate – essentially lying about who it is – and if you have seen this episode, you might by now figure out what name Kay and Madison come up with. They had a great time shooting this episode and they really wanted to bring a hard spanking – so they both agreed to use what they consider an extremely painful implement – the hair brush.

Hope you enjoy the episode and I guess when it comes time to shoot Episode 300, we’ll have to come up with something even more spectacular if that’s possible.

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The Hairflick

by on Aug.04, 2015, under Spanking

There is something that is rarely discussed in regards to when a hot lady is spanked or gives someone a spanking.  And that is the hairflick.  You read that right.  I’m not talking about a hairbrush spanking. I’m not talking about flicking some big bouncy bootie. I’m talking about how sometimes the spanker or spankee will flick her hair back during a spanking.

Madison throws back her hair to get some spanking leverage

Madison throws back her hair to get some spanking leverage

See above photo in which Madison Martin (one of the all time great hair flickers) tosses back her hair while giving Pandora Blake a spanking for My Spanking Roommate. My theory as to why Madison does more than anyone else is she has such long, thick hair and likes to give a good spanking, so she tosses it back to get some good leverage.

Real life roommates do real life spanking

Real life roommates do real life spanking

And here is more with Persephone flicking her hair back on My Spanking Roommate.

An interesting side note here is that there was a real life dispute between Persephone and Courtney Shea and they asked if they could use it for the scene, as they actually ARE roommates.  “Of course” was the quick answer.  This was a real spanking between the two, and it required some serious hair flicking for Persephone to get ready to make sure her long hair wouldn’t get in her face while she was spanked.

Star needs to see where she's putting that big thing

Star needs to see where she’s putting that big thing

My final example comes from Star Nine (on Girl Spanks Girl), who tosses back her hair before helping Jenna Satvia to get off (and right after she spanked her). I think Star needed to see exactly where she was going to put that big thing.

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Madison Meets Snow (first time)

by on Jun.16, 2015, under spanking soap opera

Here it is – the first time Madison Martin and Snow Mercy worked together.  It was on Exclusive Education #4.

Snow Mercy spanked Madison once before this year.

Snow Mercy spanked Madison once before this year.

Neither remembered when they shot recently and were in fact surprised they had never worked together. But the photo is proof.  In EE4, however, Snow spanked Madison.

This time, in the scene now up on My Spanking Roommate, Madison also gets to spank Snow, and that is the for the first time ever.

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Member Influence on My Spanking Roommate Scene

by on Mar.27, 2013, under Spanking

The best way to get your exact fantasy produced with your favorite models is to order a custom video.

But occasionally, if enough members email with suggestions for a certain idea, I will once in a while work it into a scene if it makes sense.

I was shooting with Missy Rhodes and Madison Martin not too long ago when around the same time there had been a handful of emails asking if it was possible to incorporate some humiliation about someone having a big butt into a scene.

Missy Rhodes makes fun of and spanks Madison’s big bum

Just so happens that Madison has a curvy bootie and she embraces jokes about it.  And so Madison convinced Missy that it would be okay to make fun of her bouncy bottom in a scene.  And that’s what you get in the latest episode on My Spanking Roommate.

It was pretty funny watching Madison tell the ever-so-sweet Missy to bring it.  To call her names, make fun of the curves and spank her hard because she needs it to get her butt in line.  Entertaining!

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