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Tag: Mikayla Miles spanking

Mikayla Miles Joins Our Sites

by on May.04, 2021, under Spanking

It started with a post on Twitter that Mikayla Miles would be working in Los Angeles. So I reached out to her, having a hunch she would be a great spanking model.

Mikayla Miles made her debut on Spanking Veronica Works site playing Stevie Rose’s boss

She had shot fetish, was very tall and beautiful and looks quite strong.  I booked her with Stevie Rose.

Mikayla’s hand more than covers one of Stevie Rose’s butt cheeks as she gets spanked

Since she was 6 foot 3 inches bare foot, and Stevie is a good foot shorter, it would be a fun size differential, I figured. It was!

Mikayla has excellent muscle definition and Stevie can take a sound spanking, so that was another factor.  The shoot went very well.  Mikayla was GREAT to work with. Very pleasant, professional and a real knack for spanking.

Mikayla is a natural spanker as she proves with this paddle to Stevie’s poor bottom

One scene is already up on Spanking Veronica Works, which is a follow up scene to Episode 198, in which Veronica Ricci spanked Life Coach Stevie.

Mikayla plays Stevie’s boss, who also spanks Stevie for Episode 199. Hey, getting close to landmark Episode 200 (but that is another blog).

This is Mikayla standing next to a well spanked Stevie – showing their size difference

Tomorrow there will be a scene released on Girl Spanks Girl with Mikayla playing Stevie’s aunt who spanks her on vacation for being rude to the lifeguard.

I am so thrilled to have Mikayla Miles on our sites and look forward to shooting her again some time!!

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