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Tag: Misty Stone

Misty Stone Does Her First Spanking Shoot

by on Dec.18, 2017, under Interviews, mother/daughter spanking, Spanking, Spanking Interviews

It was super exciting shooting with the sexy Misty Stone, a superstar in the adult biz. Since she hadn’t done a spanking shoot before, I wasn’t sure what to expect. But she was very sweet and wildly entertaining. She talked a lot behind the scenes, sharing many humorous stories and dropping some celebrity names she has worked with outside of the adult biz – as a legit actress in movies and TV shows and even a video game.

Misty loves her implements

She quickly mentioned that she did have experience as a spanker, many of which she shares for her interview up now on Spanked Sweeties. She has done some professional domming, which she says is always sensual.

Dria plays Misty’s sensual slave

To capture her sensual side, we have a re-enactment scene with Dria as her slave.

Misty also takes a firm spanking from her mom

But since Misty was also spanked growing up, we have Lana Miller playing her mom. Misty is a high energy performer and it was easy to see why she is so popular.

But it was also reassuring to find her so easy to work with.  You will definitely be seeing more of Misty on your spanking sites.  So stay tuned.

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