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Tag: My Spanking Roommate

Spanking Soap Opera Revenge Three Years In Making

by on Dec.13, 2012, under spanked girlfriends, spanking soap opera

It was over three years ago on My Spanking Roommate that Kay Richards (Kymberly Jane) began looking for her ex-girlfriend’s new girlfriend.  Many episodes were dedicated to Kay’s quest and she spanked many a fine bootie to get that information.  The enemy girl’s name was Sarah.

It took Kay over 3 years to get Sarah over her knee

Well, Kay finally tracked her down.  So what to do?  Well since Kay is a bit on the tiny side, and Sarah is 6 ft. tall, Kay had to get Sarah to her place on false pretenses.  So she hired Sarah as a model, drugged her, restrained her arms while over Kay’s knee and of course spanked her.

The interesting note on the behind-the-scenes for this episode is that we asked Kym to choose her implement.  Her character’s bedroom for the site is actually shot in Kym’s real life apartment, so Kym went and got her bath brush to use for the scene.  It left some nasty marks on Kym’s butt.  After the shoot, Kym proclaimed loudly, “Damn that hurt WAY more than I thought it was gonna.  I shoulda picked something else!!”

Do the big ones always win in the end?

The reason Kym got it was because like many of the scenes on this site, it was a switch scene, meaning they are meant to spank each other. And like all good spanking switch scenes, the much larger and stronger girl almost always ends up overpowering the smaller girl and spanking her right back at ya.

My only regret is that after a 3 year build up, the scene should’ve run a little longer, but these ladies could NOT take that wicked bath brush for very long.  They powered through it best they could.  So the scene is a tad on the short side, but still wildly entertaining IMHO.

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Some Interesting Niches on My Spanking Roommate

by on Jun.03, 2012, under spanking soap opera

The last couple of episodes on My Spanking Roommate included a few niches.  Some have come via viewers suggestions, some come from what the models just happen to wear or improv about during a scene.


Episode 107 included one girl (the new Miss Claw) going over the laps of two others (a popular request).  In this case, it is Madison Martin and Missy Rhodes.  In the scene, they are both getting revenge on Miss Claw for either spanking her (in Missy’s case) or being responsible for Madison getting a spanked.  Both girls had to sit on their sore bottoms (another popular request) to spank Miss Claw otk (which has consistently been the favorite fan spanking position).

Miss Claw wore a tight, short leather skirt (her winning choice) and Madison and Missy were both wearing short skirts so that we could see their legs as well.  They used the word “spanking” often during the scene (a wildly popular choice).  Lots of long hair, hard spanking, good reactions.  Hope to use Miss Claw a lot more.  She is young (only 19) but is very experienced (she works at Sanctuary LAX) and mature for her age.  They spanking Miss Claw with their hands and with the always classic hair brush.


Another popular scenario is for a drunken girl to get overpowered by a smaller girl, only to have her drag her over her knee for a spanking.  In the current Episode 108, Mary Jane plays the drunken girl (so convincingly you would think she must have some experience at this).

Mary Jane even risked her ass by literally falling off Lilia’s lap and landing so hard on her curvy bottom that the second camera (which was on a tripod) shook.   Mary Jane wore a skin tight short dress that she almost needed help getting into (her excellent choice).


And a last popular niche was having Mary Jane forced to sign a lease while she is getting spanked.  Hey we listen to fans when possible for suggestions we can incorporate into scenes.  These two episodes included some fan input.  Scenes being shot presently (that will appear in the future on various CF sites) will  also include the occasional fan suggestion.

I hear you guy who likes to have a girl embarrassed while a friend watches her get spanked….

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Wrestling & Spanking on My Spanking Roommate

by on Mar.14, 2012, under spanked girlfriends, Spanking, spanking soap opera


The last 2 episodes of My Spanking Roommate included wrestling and spanking.

Episode 101 found Kay Richards and her friend Ashley (played by Ariel X) wrestling each other, then spanking each other in Kay’s bedroom.

Episode 102, now running, finds Madison Martin and Tawny (played by Madison Young) wrestling and spanking each other in an alley.

In both scenes, this animated spanking clip of wrestling and spanking was used as an example for the girls. Check it out and see if you can find any similarities.

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Episode 100 Introduces New Roommate Stars Lilia Spinoza and Missy Rhodes

by on Feb.18, 2012, under spanking soap opera


Episode 100 of My Spanking Roommate is up now and it stars Missy Rhodes (who made her debut on the site January 1) and Lilia Spinoza, who is making her debut in this episode. 

Lilia and Missy will be joining the original talents Kay Richards and Madison Martin as the four main stars of the site.  There are, of course, many supporting stars, many with huge roles in this spanking soap opera. 

Missy was picked to be one of the main stars because of her willingness to push her limits when it comes to spanking, and because she is wildy hot and an amazing performer with great energy and very real reactions.  She has a cute bottom that will get red and speckled often for the site. 

Missy has a blog in which she talks about all of her fetish work, and occasionally posts about spanking.  She said she will blog more about spanking as her role on this site grows.  Missy is an awesome person and I feel confident fans of the Roommates site will love her. 

Lilia is a rising spanking star and we were thrilled when she agreed to be one of the stars of the site.  She has shot with a number of spanking sites, and her high threshold for a heavy spanking is becoming well documented.  She is pretty good at giving a spanking as well.  Lilia will be starting a blog soon. 

In Episode 100, Lilia spanks Missy, first over a tight, black mini-dress.  Then on Missy’s bare bottom.  And then she convinces Missy (through spanking) to work as a waitress at Cleopatras. 

Missy’s character is a bratty aspiring actress.  After Missy is humiliated and made to put on the Egyptian uniform, Lilia spanks her with a wooden hairbrush. 

Lilia’s lovely round bottom will be on the recieving end in future episodes as well.  For now, I hope you guys enjoy our landmark 100th episode of My Spanking Roommate

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Sierra Salem on Spanking Soap Opera

by on Sep.17, 2011, under spanking soap opera

Sierra Salem spanked

We shot Sierra Salem a while ago and her episode is currently running on My Spanking Roommate.  I am surprised about the buzz around Sierra.  She was a very good spanking model who hasn’t been shooting in quite some time, and I have recently learned that she has quite a following. 

It didn’t seem like a big event when we shot her, but now as her scenes are running, it kind of does.  If I had only known, maybe I would’ve asked her to say something profound for a behind the scenes comment. 

The thing with My Spanking Roommate is, that since it is a soap opera with running story lines, sometimes what we shoot goes up quickly to fill a story line, but sometimes a few scenes are shot in advance and they fit in down the road.  This was the case with Sierra, who was shot a while ago. 

Many have informed me that she has retired from shooting spanking scenes, but I have not heard that officially.  Or, well, from her.  So if you are a Sierra Salem fan, be sure to check her out on My Spanking Roommate.  

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Who Doesn’t Love Birthday Spankings?

by on Mar.08, 2011, under Birthday Spankings

Birthday Spankings

One nearly sure way to access most booties (including non-spankos) has been the excellent tradition of the birthday spanking.  Talk to almost anyone, from an uptight teacher to a lawyer to a fast food worker to a porn star, and nearly all will know what a birthday spanking is, and most will have some experience with them. 

Talking to models behind the scenes, you can ask them about their experiences with a birthday spanking and that will almost always lead to some wildy entertaining story. 

In honor of Kay Richard’s recent birthday, we shot an extended birthday spanking episode on My Spanking Roommate, which is now running.  She gets spanked with a yardstick in her boss’s office, then comes home to get spanked by her ex girlfriend in her apartment.  Then in her bedroom, she is spanked by the maid.  Lots of coutning, messing up the count, starting over, etc.   

In this episode, the spanking at work and the spanking by the maid might be fantasies, but my best guess is that most birthday spankings happend between boyfriends and girlfriends.  So Kay’s ex-girlfriend (played by Ariel X) gives her what came across as a very real spanking between two friends. 

When I was in high school, I remember a girl I liked daring me to give her a birthday spanking.  Of course, I obliged.  Perhaps that experience shaped my interests for the rest of my life.  Who knows?

If any of you readers have a birthday spanking story, feel free to share.

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Spanking Great Amber “Pixie” Wells Vs. Tons of Spankees

by on Feb.13, 2011, under spanked girlfriends

Amber “Pixie” Wells

The headline to this blog makes me imagine Amber “Pixie” Wells (who of course is one of the all time great spanking models) fighting off tons of other spanking models in some big spankfest to see who comes out on top.  But that is not exactly what happens on the current My Spanking Roommate episode.  But it comes close. 

The episode begins with Ashley (played by Ariel X) showing up to a school girl party where all the girls spank her because it’s her birthday.  In what is a pretty unusual spanking, all the girls sit on chairs in a line and pass Ariel from lap to lap getting in several whacks (way more than one for each year).  For purposes of the story, Amber set this up. 

So Ariel pays Amber a visit and gives her a long, hard spanking to make things (more than) even. 

I always love shooting with Pixie.  She is so kind and sweet and genuine.  And of course she is known for her enthusiasm, great acting skills and how hard she can take a spanking.  And she plays a recurring character on the Roommates site that is a lot of fun to watch.  Her character is VERY naughty, which Pixie seems to relish playing. 

So if you’re a fan of lots of girls spanking one assembly line fashion and/or a fan of Pixie check it out.

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