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Tag: Nikki Sweet spanking

Doll Spanking Off The Charts

by on Oct.19, 2021, under spanking soap opera

There is a new scene up on My Spanking Roommate, Episode 407, called Creepy Doll Spanking. It is a must-see scene, that stars Clare Fonda as someone who loves her creepy dolls.

Clare Fonda loves her dolls for real – she doesn’t just creep on them – they were hand picked.

When her new roommate Nikki Sweet complains about the dolls, Clare gives Nikki a spanking over her knee while the dolls watch. This scene is instantly one of my all time favorites because the commitment from the models makes it seem so real.

Clare gives her new roommate – the lovely Nikki Sweet – a sound spanking

It is funny and creepy and intense and Nikki takes as hard of a spanking as she could, which was quite a nice level for a sexy porn star willing to get her bottom bright red. Clare maybe actually has a creepy love for these dolls, or she’s a great actress, or both! And Nikki’s shock seems very real.

Next up Nikki gives Clare a spanking while the dolls watch. Painful and embarrassing!

Look for the next episode, which will feature Nikki’s revenge as she delivers a spanking to Clare, which is embarrassing to her because the dolls watch it.

Instant classic!

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