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Tag: Nikki Turner

Ode to the Stolen Shorts

by on Jul.09, 2018, under Spanking

My all time favorite shorts that were in my model wardrobe were stolen by a model recently. Yes, that sounds strange, but I’ll miss these wonderful blue very short shorts so this blog is my tribute to them and some of the amazing ladies who wore them. First, note how great they work for the spanker. Angela Sommers wore them a few times and they were perfect for her spectacular curvy bottom.

Angela Sommers shows how these short-shorts can look good on the spanker

When she spanked Christina Carter while Angela wore the magical shorts, you can see her stunning legs in their entirety while Christina is over her knee, as shown in the above photo from Girl Spanks Girl.

Nikki Turner shows how the shorts look good in wide shots

They look good in wide shots, too, as you can see in this scene on Spanking Sorority Girls in which Nikki Turner wears the shorts while getting spanked in the kitchen by Joy Luck.

Dria’s amazing bottom looks great from every angle in these shorts

In another scene from Spanking Sorority Girls, the lovely Dria demonstrates that the shorts look outstanding from every angle, and really accentuate round bottoms.

The shorts are great for showing off sore butt rubs

The shorts are also great for showing off sore bottoms that need a good rub, as demonstrated by Veronica Ricci on Spanking Veronica Works following a sound spanking and caning from Lana Lopez.

And the shorts offer handles for more intense spanking action

And finally, they offer a good handle, as witnessed from that same scene with Veronica and Lana.

I have since added some more shorts to the model wardrobe, but I will never be able to replace the most perfect pair of short shorts ever and at least hope the model with sticky fingers who decided she just HAD to have this pair of shorts is at least enjoying them.

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Happy 4th of July!

by on Jul.04, 2018, under spanked call girls, Spanking

Last year we tried our first 4th of July Spanking scene, which appeared on Spanking Veronica Works (episode 75). I wasn’t really sure how to draw up the appropriate scenario so we went with a simple one – super hottie Angela Sommers played a spoiled young lady who is hosting a 4th of July party and hires Veronica Ricci to decorate.

Angela Sommers received our first ever 4th of July spanking

Lorelei Mission loaned us some great 4th of July decorations. The two stars were both Penthouse Pet of the Years, so there was beauty and curvy bottoms in the scene – and Angela got to wear our special 4th of July dress.  The ladies ended up spanking each other and they used the stick side of a flag – which led to the discovery that it hurts just like a cane.  There was also plenty of hand spanking.

Turns out a flag has the same effect of a cane on the bottom (hope this okay flag etiquette)

It’s an explosive scene, with some very sound spanking action, but pretty politically tame (other than using a flag to do spanking – not sure if there is any flag etiquette being challenged on that one).

Our brand spanking new 4th of July scene stars Nikki Turner and Joy Luck

This year, we decided to push the envelope a bit and you will find the current 4th of July spanking scene on Spanked Call Girls. It stars Nikki Turner (who spanks very hard) as a patriotic call girl who embraces the holiday with her outfit and her point of view.

There is a paddling because of differing views on patriotism on this holiday

But fellow call girl Joy Luck decides to wear black for the party because she is in morning for how things have been going in our country lately. It’s not a preachy scene at all, but each model embraces her part 100% and regardless of your politics it’s fun to watch one cute lady spank another when there is conflict and diverse views.

If you’re reading this blog, I suspect you may have differing political views, but agree that we should all celebrate spanking! With some stars and stripes (on the bottom).

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