Before declaring our monumental 500th model, a little history is needed to explain the choice. The first shoot our company ever did was on January 5, 2000 and it starred Clare Fonda (of course) who was our company’s co-founder, and Penny.

We did only frame grabs when we started — here’s one from the first scene we ever shot
It was shot in a dungeon and we didn’t feel like we were doing anything historical at the time. It was a decent scene, but not amazing, so we held releasing it for a while.

A frame grab of Clare spanking Lilith from our first scene ever released (from the year 2000)
Our next shoot was with Clare Fonda, Lilith and Lori (fetish models weren’t big on last names back then). That became the first scene that we ever released, on VHS no less, since spanking web sites weren’t a thing yet. The Penny scene wasn’t released until the next year, after many titles were released before it.

Lori appears later in the first scene released (to spank Clare), making Lori model #3
So when it came to listing models, Clare Fonda is 1a and Lilith is 1b. Lori doesn’t appear until later in that scene, which is called “The English Lesson.” It can be found streaming on Girl Spanks Girl. The order of the model has been always based on when her scene is released.

Lexi Holland appears in her first ever scene with Snow Mercy making her model #501
This is relevant because we shot Lexi Holland recently, but her Spanked Sweeties scene won’t be released until Monday.

Our official 500th model had to appear with company co-founder and superstar Clare Fonda
We shot Numi Zarah a few days later, but her first scene was released yesterday on Spanked Call Girls.

Numi’s first scene appeared yesterday on Spanked Call Girls, making her our 500th model
So a shout out to both Lexi and Numi, but Numi Zarah is our 500th model!! Both Lexi and Numi are fantastic models and will no doubt both be beloved.

Lexi’s Spanked Sweeties includes 3 spankings; this is a shot from her 2nd scene with Snow
We are excited to be the company that shot both of their first ever spanking scenes. 500 models in the books, and 500 to go.
Let’s see, it took 21 years to shoot 500 (well 501) models, so check back in the year 2042 for model 1000.
Click here for a list with photos of all 501 models.