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Tag: otk

Marvelous Mary Jane

by on Sep.27, 2010, under Spanking Interviews

Spanking big bootie
We shot with Mary Jane this past Saturday.  She is currently up on Spanked Call Girls, but her interview was so amazing that we will be doing a part 2 to this Sweeties shoot before posting her on Spanked Sweeties. 
As promised here are some photos of this beauty.  I numbered them so I could refer to the positions, which is what I’d like to blog about today.  Sometimes when a photographer wants to accentuate the curves of the bottom, angles must be considered. 
But Mary Jane’s behind looks great from every angle.  Typically, girls look flat when shot from above and they are over-the-knee, as Mary Jane was in Photo #2 (her ass does not look flat of course).   Shooting from below, such as Photo #5 is usually flattering for most models (MJ is no exception). 
But look at Photo #4 (this photo was snapped by Clare Fonda) – a photo taken from above like this is another angle that will often make the mode’s bottom look flatter than it is.  No problem for MJ. 
Photo #1 shows off her nice, long legs.  Photo #3 shows that MJ can take it hard, as evidenced by those sweet red marks.  She said that after Saturday’s shoot, she expects some welts and bruises to show.  And she was going to drive to Northern California right after the shoot and said “I know it will be painful sitting on the entire drive.”
But of all these shots, it is Photo #6 that is most impressive.  Again, when the model is otk, gravity will often lessen her curves.  But Mary Jane stands tall in all her glory and invites one to just long to “spank it good.” 
The shot I missed, that I didn’t realize would be a great shot until I hugged Mary Jane when she was leaving, was a shot looking straight down at her juicy target (from the hugger’s point of view).  I asked her if people didn’t look at her behind and just want to give it a nice smack.  She said “it happens all the time.”  Take a look and ask yourself, could you resist giving that bootie a smack?
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Dangerous Curves

by on Sep.20, 2010, under Spanking Interviews

Spanked Sweeties
Attactive women come in all shapes, sizes and ages.  Clare Fonda recognizes this and casts models accordingly.  The stunning beauty Natasha did a recent shoot with CF, bringing with her those glorious curves many spanking fans love. 
What was shocking to hear, though (and this was not during her filmed interview for Spanked Sweeties but just when she was talking on the set), was that Natasha was recently employed by another spanking site that would not use her again because she was too curvy for them.  Guess some spanking sites only like stick figures. 
Their loss is Clare Fonda’s gain.  That site attempts to get all their models to work for them exclusively, so if they enjoyed Natasha’s curves, you wouldn’t be seeing her interviewed about her childhood spankings – which were fascinating, then having those hard spanking re-enacted.  Behind the scenes, Natasha was confident, fiesty and has an electric smile.  She is proud of her curves. 
She was in Exlusive Education 5, in which she has a scene spanking Clare Fonda, and she also works at the Dominon in West Los Angeles.
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Spanked Sweeties

by on Jul.07, 2010, under Spanking

The second site that Clare Fonda created some years back was Spanked Sweeties.  It is always an interesting shoot because the girl is interviewed about her childhood spanking experiences – which are almost always entertaining and definitely revealing.  Some girls were spanked regularly growing up – and I mean recently – spanking is something still going on domestically on a regular basis. 
April O’Neal – seen in this photo – was one such girl who was spanked regularly.  Despite her girl-next-door looks, she now works in the adult industry.  Many adult girls seem to have been spanked growing up.  Is there a coorelation?  Not in my opinion – since many people have been spanked and not ended up working in the adult biz.  Interesting theory though – maybe some day we’ll read a headline in the tabloids – “Adult Actress Says Her Spankings Led Her to the Biz.” 
Incidently, April was very honest about her experiences and felt like she needed to take a very hard spanking – and you can see from how red her butt got – that Clare Fonda oblidged her.
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Kay Richards Spanked in a Diaper

by on Jul.06, 2010, under Spanking

Clare spanking Kay
Yes, that title is correct, a recent shoot included Clare Fonda spanking Kay Richards in a diaper for Naughty Diaper Girls   I must be honest and say that while I have filmed hundreds – possibly thousands of hot chicks (tough job but someone has to do it), I have never really found any lady to be super hot while wearing a diaper.  Kay comes close, but – I don’t know – I guess it’s just not my thing. 
But if you like it, then you gotta love this latest scene – which included lots of baby play and some seriously hard spanking (which you don’t always find on the diaper shoots).  If diapers aren’t your thing, well hopefully you can still enjoy this photo of Kay – doing her best to look hot in a diaper – and the always sexy Clare delivering the goods.
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Madison and Kay Spanked by Gemini

by on Jul.04, 2010, under Spanking

Swimming spankingMadison Spanked by Geminir55e26l2.JPG
Madison Martin and Kay Richards are 2 of the stars of and this is a really great episode currently running on the site to showcase them.  IMO a great and classic example of girl spanking girl.  Kay and Madison are spanked by their landlady, played by Mistress Gemini, for swimming in the pool while it was closed.  The pool was actually closed when we filmed this, so Madison and Kay had to sneak in the pool area while I filmed them from the hallway overlooking the pool. 
So there was of course real anxiety in that they couldn’t get caught there and I couldn’t get caught filming – or at least have someone come up to me and say “hey what are you filming?”  Then what would I say?  “See those two hot chicks down there in the closed pool area?  Well I’m going to film them getting their spectacular wet asses spanked brutally red.”  Think that might result in a call to the apartment  complex manager?  Or worse – the police?  Well we got away with it.  And the always game Madison and Kay did in fact get their wet asses spanked hard (inside the apartment) by Gemini  – who is not very tall – but packs an unbelievably heavy hand.  Just ask Kay and Madison. 
After spanking them otk, she had them lean up against the kitchen wall while she spanked their sore butts with a hairbrush.  The one thing that stood out to me about this shoot – aside from the joy of not getting caught doing something “unusual” was how red and speckled Kay’s butt got (see above photo).  Definitely worth checking out myspankingroommate if you haven’t already done so.
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Clare Fonda Spanking Lily Anna to Tears

by on Jul.03, 2010, under Spanked To Tears

Lily’s tears

One of the scenes that is presently on the site Girl Spanks Girl features Clare Fonda spanking Lily Anna.  It was quite a long shoot the included several scenes – and Lily Anna had a very sore and red bottom when the shoot was over.  Now you should know this about Lily Anna – she has a fantastic personality – she is strong, yet can be submissive when the scene calls for it.  She is wickedly funny with one fantastic and memorable laugh – yet she was pretty serious during the shoot for GROWING PAINS as it was a long and intense shoot. 
She has a pretty solid tolerance for spanking, but I know for fact that she was pushed to her limits and maybe slightly beyond – which resulted in real tears for the last spanking scene of the shoot.  Clare Fonda is a great top as she has an endless supply of ineresting characters – pimp, letcherous girlfriend, angry sister, scolding aunt, and so on and so on.  But perhaps she excels most at playing the fed up mom who as a last result must spank her daughter.  Lily plays the perfect brat in this scene who even does texting while her desperate mother is scolding her.  Clare brings it hard in this shoot – stopping for breaks only when moving our location from the kitchen to the living room.  So Lily was getting spanked basically for 3 hours with only a few minutes off while the lights were moved from the kitchen to the living room. 
She got it with the hand and with the hairbrush.  After 4 spanking scenes, Clare gave Lily a mouth soaping in the bathroom.  Some models won’t do mouth soaping, but Lily is an energetic gamer – though it didn’t seem like she enjoyed the mouth soaping at all.  I don’t know if Lily is one of the models who is into spanking or not.  Sometimes during a shoot, you can easily tell which model loves it and which model hates it.  It wasn’t clear with Lily – but it was clear that she was game to take all that she could for the sake of our art – and she did exactly that – and then some.  This is an amazing series of spankings – if you enjoy the reluctant mother spanking the bratty daughter – HARD – you shouldn’t miss this scene.  And keep tabs on Lily Anna.  As a person and as a performer, she is awesome! 
Lily Anna has her own blog.  Please be sure to check it out – just click on her name in this paragraph and it will link you to her blog.
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