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Tag: Paris Kennedy

Checking in with Clare Fonda!

by on Jun.16, 2013, under Interviews

It has been about a year since Clare Fonda transitioned into other projects outside of CF Worldwide. In that year, she has continued to have some valuable input into the sites as well as being a great friend to me. So it is definitely time for us to catch up with Clare and see what she has been up to.  Exciting stuff (including a brand new web site). Here are 5 questions for Clare.

Clare Fonda is now working as Jamie Foster – by any name she loves her pets

1.  You have been out of the spanking video scene for a year now. Do you miss it?

CLARE SAYS: With all due respect, no. I keep in touch with a lot of people from the scene and a lot of customers are more like friends now. I felt like I, personally, had gone as far as I could go in spanking. The Cameraman has expanded our business, and I’m really impressed with the new site, and the variety of models he is working with. He is certainly stimulating the economy, at home and abroad. Plus now he and I get to go to boot camp together and work out, instead of shooting all the time. We even get to go drinking. It’s great!

Miss Chris forces Jamie to strip on Jamie’s new site

2. What are you working on now?

 CLARE SAYS:  I have had a variety of clips up on for a few years now and I just opened It’s a FORCED STRIPPING site. As you know, this category is pretty big on Clips4sale and it’s unrepresented on the web. Of course I have  – working with models who are diaper friendly, curious or at least willing to wear!

Jamie with long time super friend Paris Kennedy

3. Who are some of our models that you keep in touch with?

CLARE SAYS:  Hmmmm- let’s see, the top five. Well, as you know I see Eve Howard as much as I can. I am not going to Vegas to gamble- Eve, Tony and Butch are my sure things. It has been heaven in the Valley since Paris Kennedy moved back form the West Side. We have decided that since we have known each other for 12 years we are married by common law. Who gives a shit if I am straight! I saw Sarah Gregory this week and she is doing so well in this business and has grown into such a fine young lady. I’m very proud of Sarah, lunch with her tomorrow — and the cameraman, and I think Christy Cutie is coming a long. Will be nice to get to know her. Lorelei Mission and I shoot together and then go out to dinner.We also do some animal rescue and her content rocks.  Finally, Veronica Ricci and I keep in touch quite a bit. She is a generous soul, and doing well with her own creative vision I notice from the CFWW sites. I see a lot more of the models around but they are probably not reading this, so fuck it.


4.  Have you been getting spanked in real life?

CLARE SAYS:  Just at where I work about once every six weeks. Spanked, flogged, tickled, tied up, mouthsoaped, you name it. I work as a sub there. Paris will be there with me at the end of this month. That girl is going to be busy.  Genesis is there- I know the Camerman shot with her last year and I remember how I introduced her to Shadowlane.  Now she is a major part of the LA Fetish scene. We both saw that coming. No, I have not been dating anyone regularly. I am either too busy and get stressed out by it or too subby for the guy and he just walks all over me. It’s okay. I sleep with 4 dogs in my bed. Maybe that is working against the whole “Soulmate” deal as well.

5. What does the future hold for Clare Fonda/Jamie Foster?

CLARE SAYS: Well, I believe that the Cameraman got Paris and I involved in a drunken promise to get spanked on camera when we work at the Sanctuary on June 30th.  I’m just taking it one day at a time ’til then.  See you at Boot Camp.

Thanks so much to my good friend Clare/Jamie for checking in with us!  As she says, I will see her in bootcamp. Please feel free to leave comments here or check in with her Clare Fonda Blog that she still updates.

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