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Tag: Sage Pillar spanking

Spanking Veronica Works Reaches 300th Episode

by on Apr.07, 2024, under Spanking

The Spanking Veronica Works site has reached its 300th episode. The site started with Veronica Ricci appearing in a different job each episode, that either led to her getting spanked, or spanking someone else.

Episode 300 features Veronica Ricci spanking Sage Pillar with a paddle in the office

More recently it has featured many new scenes without Veronica, but still centered around a job related spanking.

Lexi Holland is now heavily featured on the site and here gets a spanking from Iris Steele

Lexi Holland is now featured prominently on the site. But it is Veronica who stars in Episode 300, spanking her maid Sage Pillar.

A great variety of implements are used in the 300 episodes, including the “Brat” paddle

You will find a great variety of locations and implements on the site. In Episode 300 the setting is an office and the scene features the Brat paddle.

OTK is the most popular position on the site, but Veronica can spank in all angles really

Veronica and Sage have great chemistry and you can expect more scenes with Sage and Veronica.

Hope to see you for Episode 400 some day!

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Final Report From Shadow Lane Party

by on Sep.19, 2019, under Spanking

Clare Fonda and I attended what was considered the last Shadow Lane Party (at least in its present long running format) recently.

Clare chats with Eve Howard from Shadow Lane and Steve Fuller. Another shoot Steve?

On our first night there, Clare performed comedy in Tony and Eve’s Suite Party – and it was very well received.

Clare partied with long-time friends Sarah Gregory and Madame SammanthaB and new friend Amy Fox who all attended her comedy set.

We also attended Dr. Lector’s excellent Suite party and ran into many of our old friends – including models, members and just plain lovable spankos. And we also met some new people. Everyone seemed to be having such a great time and sharing some good memories.

Look for this scene in which Madame SammanthaB really let Clare have it good on their sites

The next day we did a shoot.  Madame SammanthaB and Clare did a trade scene first.  Clare was spanked so hard she called “mercy” but Madame SammanthaB worked it into the scene and they kept going. Be sure to check that out in the near future on Clare’s site Jamie Foster Strips.  And also on Sammantha’s site, too.

First time shooting with both Miss Jenn Davis and Lola Belle. They were both amazing!!

On my sites, two scenes are already out from that shoot.  We met and shot with Miss Jenn Davis and Lola Belle and they were so great in every way!!  Their scene is up now on Girl Spanks Girl and it’s a good one!

A Shadow Lane Party wouldn’t be the same without shooting Sarah Gregory (with Sage Pillar)

We also met and shot with Sage Pillar for the first time.  And it was so great shooting with Sarah Gregory again – which was always a tradition at the Shadow Lane events.  Sage and Sarah have a scene shot there up now on Spanked Call Girls.

An extra shot from Miss Jenn and Lola Belle just because she looks fantastic in those shorts

There was plenty of laughter, catching up with long-lost friends, meeting new people, booze, chocolate, and of course lots of spanking!  Hats off to a great party and for all the Shadow Lane Parties these past years that created so many outstanding memories!!

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