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Tag: school girl spanking

Exclusive Education 16 Is Here

by on Jan.12, 2022, under Spanking

Now on it’s 16th year, Exclusive Education 16: Sleepover is now on Girl Spanks Girl.  It has been a long and winding road for this EE series, which was originally sponsored by someone that allowed us to use a boat load of models.

In Exclusive Education form, two spankings occur at the same time

Since that funding has not been available, the number of models may have decreased but the freedom to vary from the same story each year has been a plus.

Lux Lives and Cheyenne Jewel team up to spank Yasmine Sinclaire hard for tattling

This year’s episode is in two parts and includes 6 models, Veronica Ricci, Yasmine Sinclaire, Cheyenne Jewel and Lux Lives in Part One, and Clare Fonda and Abbie Maley in Part Two.

A nude Abbie Maley gets spanked and paddled by Clare Fonda for missing the sleepover

There is a variety of OTK action that includes hand, hairbrush and bath brush and even some with the paddle to come in Part 2.

The plan is to make it to at least EE20 and if anyone has any suggestions on multi-model spanking scenes for next years EE17 feel free to toss some out.  Until then, please enjoy the energy and spanking action of EE16.

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Behind The Scenes of EE14

by on Jan.24, 2020, under Spanking

Clips for Exclusive Education Year 14 are being posted this month on the Girl Spanks Girl site and hopefully you all are enjoying the spanking action. Here are some observations of what happened behind the scenes.

Elori Stix gives Auzzie Alice Goods a sound spanking. The other girls join in, too

First, it is fun to watch how all of the personalities mesh on set. Since models are basically improvising what they say based on a premise.  Their characters develop during this long (nearly an hour) scene. The girls are supposed to spank the tall beauty Alice Goods when coach Snow Mercy leaves the room, because they believe that her mistakes cost them their recent match. Even though she is the smallest one in the cast, Elori Stix called on her inner domme and was the one who put Alice over her knee to get spanked by her and the others.

Ashley Lane was late to the shoot and Snow worked that into the scene with this spanking

Ashley Lane was a little late to the shoot due to unforeseen circumstances, so Snow worked that into the scene. She returns with Ashley to discover the Alice spanking going on and decides each girl must get spanked by her and by Alice.  And Ashley will get in more trouble for being late. It is a very real spanking that Snow gives Ashley.

Joy Luck decides to act up and be a brat and gets extra spanking for that

Joy Luck was a switch at the time of the shoot (she is top only now) and she decided to be very bratty during the scene. She paid extra for that as she got some extra attention from coach Snow, including some hard whacks with a wooden ruler.

Cupcake is a heavy player which she works into this scene with a paddling

Cupcake is legendary for taking a hard spanking. Here, she gets the heavy wooden paddle, which she requested. Also of note, there was one pair of super short-shorts, which was the pair Apricot Pitts selected for her wardrobe.

You will find a row of red butts shot like this in all 14 years of Exclusive Education scenes

The plan in the works for EE15 is a new format (more on that in a future blog). In the meantime enjoy this multi-girl long spanking scene that is EE14.

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Exclusive Education – Nikki Rogue and Natasha

by on Aug.18, 2010, under Spanked school girls

Spanked school girls
I had heard that Nikki Rogue had done some shoots for heavy handed sites.  And Dallas and Shadow Lane spoke glowingly about her.  She was indeed delightful, funny and she took on the much needed personna of the bad girl.  Which of course gets her in trouble – but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.  Nikki can take it hard and has great reactions. 
Natasha was another new model – never having done a spanking shoot before.  She started working at The Dominion recently.  She was very cute.  And for some reason I thought she would be tiny, but she was tall, curvey and beautiful – which of course is a great combination.  Here is the note that Natasha wrote:   
Dear Marie,
I hate your stinking guts, you make me wanna vomit, you are the scum between my toes! 

And here is what Nikke wrote:

This is m my report.  I am cheating off of Sandy’s papr.
Nicole Elizabeth Rogue  (drew smiley face here)
This was an unsigned essay — but April O’Neil was the only slightly late student:
This morning I was late getting up for school.  I did the best I could to make it out to the bus but it had already left without me.  My mom had already left for work so I ran the 4 blocks to school and I was just a little late.  I hope I’m not in trouble I think the teacher noticed me slipping in after the bell had rang.  It is going to be along day. (drew heart here).
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The Girls of Exclusive Education – Sandy

by on Aug.14, 2010, under Spanked school girls

Spanked school girl
Sandy was another school girl from Exclusive Education that I had never worked with before.  She was very co-operative and very quite – even when getting spanked.  If the stoic girl is your thing, she will be your girl.  Her bottom was nicely rounded and she had an exotic look – couldn’t tell if it was middle Eastern or maybe Hispanic (based on the last name she used in the shoot).   She had two notes in her possession – the first was her “essay,” which read:
This is a report I’m writing during a shoot.  This is the best report ever!  Oh my goodness!  It’s so amazing that it is blowing my mind!  Screw the Hair Brush.
Sandy Mendoza
Her second note (passed back and forth between Sandy and Marie) said:
Yeah!  Bring some boyz with you. — Marie —
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The Girls of Exclusive Education – Marie Elle

by on Aug.13, 2010, under Spanked school girls

Spanked school girl
The run down on each of the school girls in the recent Exclusive Education 5 shoot will begin with Maire Elle.  Having never met her before, I didn’t know what to expect.  First thing she said was “when is the shoot over?” followed by “can my boyfriend stay?”  Not a great beginning.  Can you imagine at least 13 boyfriends lurking around our compact classroom set – all trying to get a free view? 
Thankfully there was a no boyfriend on set rule.  This way – no peep shows, no guys wandering around getting in the shots, no extra drama.  Things got better of course.  Marie was outstanding verbally (she was born in France and broke out the accent near the end of the shoot).  She says she is a life style player – though she was the only model to call “mercy.”  But all in all she was very game and brought a lot of spark to the shoot. 
And many of the girls were actually writing something when they were supposed to – and Marie had the funniest “assignment.”  This is exactly what she wrote (spelling as is from her paper – and she drew a heart over ithe “i” in her name. 

Dear Daddy,
America is not as fun as you said.  This is NOT normal.  We have to take our panties off when we get spanked.  I want to come back to France.  I miss Paris.  I don’t want to get spanked anymore.  Please send me a plane tickit home. 
I love you, 
Marie Elle.

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Red Bottoms

by on Aug.11, 2010, under Spanking

School Girls SpankingsSpanked school girlsSchool Girls Spankings
So without naming names – there are sites that use software like Photoshop to make bottoms more red when taking photos.  I have done it 3 times in 12 years.  I understand the reason for doing it – the girl gets spanked, her bottom is VERY red, then you don’t take  the photos immediately, and the red goes down (or away).  So you alter the photo to put more red in and try to match what was real – and what viewers will see on the video. 
That is the reason I did it those 3 times.  But mostly if we don’t get the photos right away, I just figure “oh well” and don’t cross that line.  Making bottoms redder than they were during the shoot is the number one offense.  There are others – such as taking away blemishes (acne, tats etc) or even making models look thinner.  But come on, isn’t someone going to watch the video and see the truth?  In EE5, we had to shoot many scenes – and when we came to taking the line of butts photo, it had been a long time since the girls had been spanked. 
The reddest butt belongs to Nikki Rogue in the line because she was recenlty paddled.  See the above photos – the top photo is untouched, the one below it is the same photo with a very subtle amount of red added to the butts – except for Nikki’s butt – and the last photo is untouched butts shot shortly after their first spanking.
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Exclusive Education – the Shoot

by on Aug.09, 2010, under Spanking

Spanked school girls
The shoot for Exclusive Education 5 (to appear on Girl Spanks Girl) went amazingly well today – 4.5 hours without stopping for a second – so it should be a long action packed video – which should take me at least a week to edit.  Hollie Stevens missed her flight from Northern California, so Natasha from The Domion filled in her spot so we could have 10 spanked school girls. 
There was lots of excitement and lots of spanking.  I will break down what each girl brought to the shoot in future blogs.  But for now, enjoy the classic line of ten butts photo above.
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Casting Exclusive Education 5 – the final list

by on Aug.07, 2010, under Spanking

Spanked school girls
Here is one last photo to go with the casting of Exclusive Education school girl video to be shot tomorrow for the Girl Spanks Girl site.  One school girl dropped, another one was added (Kisa).  So the final cast expected to show up for some serious spanking is:
Our bottoms: Kisa, Marie Elle, Elise Graves, Lindsay, April O’Neal, Nikki Rouge, Sandy, Katherine St. James, Hollie Stevens, and Sarah Gregory.
Our tops: Lana and Alicia Panettiere and of course Clare Fonda.
About to pack up all the gear – three cameras, lots of lights (got a new Kinoflo light – gives a soft look), tripods, light stands, still camera etc. etc.  Shooting something else on Monday, then again on Tuesday – but will check in on how it went first chance I get.  Imagine – every where you look, a sea of beautifully round, spankable bottoms, on hot girls who mostly enjoy being spanked.  Tough job but someone has to do it. 
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Casting Exclusive Education 5 – Dominion Girls

by on Aug.03, 2010, under Spanking

The Dominion Girls
There will be three girls making their spanking video debut when we shoot Exclusive Education this Sunday.  All three are from The Domion, which means if you are in the West Los Angeles area, you can schedule a session with any of these three.  All I know about Sandy and Marie is that Lana, who also works at the Dominion now (as Mistress Naomi), recommended them, so they must be good. 
I have witnessed first hand, however, Alicia (who will play one of the teachers) spank Lindsay, who is very cute, with a spankable bottom.  Lindsay looks very young – she even has braces – and boy she can take a sound spanking. There is not much I can say about these three yet, but be sure to check back in after the shoot as next week I will spend many blogs on the behind the scenes of this massive shoot. 
Pictured above from left to right are Lindsay, Sandy, and Marie. 
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Casting Exclusive Education 5 – Kat St. James

by on Jul.19, 2010, under Spanking

Spanked school girlSpanked school girl
Kat St. James shot with Clare Fonda for the site Spanked Call Girls.  She is known as someone who can take a very hard spanking, and she proved that she could.  In fact, it looked like she really wasn’t tested on the Call Girls shoot, that she could take more – which she definitely will do in the upcoming Exclusive Education 5 shoot. 
On the Spanked Call Girls shoot, she also spanked Alice Wonder (who was in the first Exclusive Education five years ago).  Kat didn’t spank Alice very hard, but it was a very sensual scene and then Clare came in as the madam and spanked them both rather hard.  Kat is very soft spoken, so it appears she will be one of the quiet, well behaved school girls who gets it really hard.  Or perhaps a hidden bratty side will emerge when she is surrounded by nine school girls.  We’ll find out in August.
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