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Tag: Silvia Sage spanking

The New Spanking Soccer Mom

by on Jan.29, 2017, under Spanking

The original Spanked Soccer Moms scene with Clare Fonda and Chelsea Pfeiffer from a number of years back was always a wildly popular scene, that you can still find on Girl Spanks Girl.

Sylvia Sage spanks Clare on her yoga shorts

Sylvia Sage spanks Clare on her yoga shorts

Clare suggested doing a new scene with a similar vibe and pairing her friend Silvia Sage with her. She also thought it would be fun to see both ladies spanking each other in tight yoga pants. So I helped realize this fantasy and you can find it now on Spanking Sorority Girls.

That stinging hairbrush!

That stinging hairbrush!

Clare wears shorts, Silvia the traditional longer outfit – but both are tight on the booties. Clare directed the scene, just like the original, though it was shot in a different living room. It did have very much a similar dynamic but the difference this time is that Clare starts out much more submissive to Sylvia, but then turns the tables and ends up being more dominant.  The original had both Clare and Chelsea equals.

Sylvia discovers that spankings are real and they hurt. Ouch

Sylvia discovers that spankings are real and they hurt. Ouch

Sylvia and Clare had great fun playing neighbors who have a beef over Clare’s daughter and they use spanking as a tool to resolve their conflict. If only life could be this simple.  And fun.

Sylvia looks good in red

Sylvia looks good in red

It’s a great scene, a nice follow up to the original, though Clare is playing a different character, her new “mom” character on the sorority site. You all should check it out on  Spanking Sorority Girls.  Clare thinks it surpasses the original, though that is a tall task. At the very least it is the equal with a more modern feel to it.

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