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Tag: Spanked escorts

Of Wrestling and Spanks

by on Oct.09, 2010, under spanked call girls

Spanking and wrestling
If you are a fan of women wrestling AND spanking, then you should check out Spanked Call Girls, which is now featuring a scene in which Hollie Stevens and Sophie Nova wrestle and spank each other. 
Clare Fonda was actually set to arrive after this scene was shot.  She left a simple instruction that the girls would “struggle and spank each other.”  So the girls went for it. 
Sophi was smaller, but very scrappy.  Hollie seemed really strong.  If I had to say who won the wrestling match, I’d say probably Hollie.  But the spanking match looked dead even.  In the end, two hot chicks tore of each other’s clothes and spanked each other.  So everyone wins really.
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The Bags are Packed

by on Sep.09, 2010, under spanked call girls

Spanked Callgirls
Models all have different ways of bringing their wardrobe to the set of a Clare Fonda shoot.  But typically, they bring a suitcase filled with clothes and shoes and of course panties, to provide a variety of options.  Sometimes the suitcases are rather large. 
On the most recent Fonda shoot however, a record was set for SMALLEST suitcase, and for MOST suitcases brought by one model and LARGEST suitcase. 
The smallest was brought by Amy Hunter, who had one tiny – I don’t know what to call it – it looked like a purse (see above photo).  Amy has done many spanking shoots of course and had perfect outfits for her 3 scenes, and all the proper panties. 
Riley Evans, however, brought 3 suitcases, one of which was the largest I have ever seen.  She had to climb on top of it to get it shut (see above photo that provides one with an urge to give Riley a friendly swat – at the very least). 
Ironically, Riley had probably 50 pairs of panties, but none that were suited for her scenes.  I think she borrowed a pair from Amy.  After the shoot, I tossed Riley’s suitcases in her trunk for her – and the largest one might’ve weighed close to 100 pounds.   Both girls were good natured about their travel bags, and were fine with me posting these photos of them and their “luggage.” 
They were great to work with (Amy has a fantastic sense of humor and you gotta love her Brittish accent).  Check them out on Spanked Call Girls, where you will see Amy spanking Riley’s bubble butt (but no, it was not for bringing too many suitcases to the shoot).
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Call Girls Spanked – Hollie Stevens & Sophie Nova

by on Sep.02, 2010, under spanked girlfriends

Spanked call girls

Clare Fonda has a site called Spanked Call Girls which is pretty amazing and always a kick to shoot for.  Typically the shoots are done in hotels (another story for another day) but this recent shoot featuring Hollie Stevens and Sophie Nova – which is now running on the site – was shot at a house. 
Sometimes Clare – who plays  a pimp on the site – goes to the homes of the girls, or brings them to her home, to spank them for their wrong doings.  Sophie and Hollie had great chemisty.  They seemed to take on distincitive characterizations that worked well off each other.  Sophie was the perky, bratty Brittish girl, Hollie was the tough America party girl. 
Together, they spelled trouble.  Check out the wardrobe to see how each model had a different idea as to how an escort might dress.  Different, but equally good. 
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