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Tag: Spanked school girls

Profile on New Spanking Model Lilia

by on Nov.19, 2011, under Spanked school girls


Lilia appeared as the cheerleader in Exclusive Education 6, still running on Girl Spanks Girl.  I had never met or heard of Lilia before that shoot, but was thrilled to meet her and happy that we are lined up to shoot her quite a bit more. 

We did another shoot with her, and one of the scenes from that shoot is now running on Hot Girls Spanked.  She gets spanked by her schoolgirl sister, Vanessa, who was appearing in her first ever spanking shoot. 

Lilia has a very nice round bottom and she enjoys spanking and encourages the spanker to bring it on and give her a hard one.  Gotta love that.  Look for Lilia to appear on many of the Clare Fonda Sites in the next few months.  In the meantime, enjoy her as EE6 wraps up and on the new Hot Girls clip. 

Also, check out this interview with her.

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Bliss Evermore and School Girls vs. Sorority Girls

by on Oct.26, 2011, under Spanked school girls

Bliss Evermoresorority paddling

Bliss Evermore is a pretty cool name, right?  She is today’s featured model from Exclusive Education 6 appearing on Girl Spanks Girl.  Rather than saying too much about Bliss (that was fun to type), I will send you to her very own Interview that appeared in the Cherry Red Report.  The way you can hear about her experiences from the big shoot in her own words. 

On another note, I would love to get any reader feedback on one idea.  What would any of you think if we did a big sorority girl shoot in 2012 and gave the big schoolgirl shoot a year off, only to return with another big schoolgirl shoot in 2013? 

Mixing it up a little couldn’t hurt, could it?  Unless you are one of the sorority girls on the receiving end of a hard hazing spanking or worse, 10 with the pledge paddle?  One of the above photos is of Bliss from EE6, the other is a frame grab from a shoot done a looooong time ago for Girl Spanks Girl, called Sorority Initiation, back when cameras were not high definition, file resolution was bad, and Clare Fonda had short hair.  Sorority Initiation begs for an update.

So the idea is that the schoolgirl shoot would happen every other year, being mixed in with a big shoot in the odd years that could include sorority girls, prison girls, cheerleaders and well you get the idea.  I’ve always been a fan of the old saying “variety is the spice of life.”  What is your opinion?

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Spanked School Girl: Profile on Nena

by on Oct.08, 2011, under Spanked school girls


I have shot Nena a couple of times now.  The first time was for Spanked Call Girls.  In that scene, she had never been spanked before and her reactions were amazingly real.  She had no idea how much it would hurt, but when Clare spanked her, she practically crawled out of her skin. 

In Exclusive Education 6, now running on Girl Spanks Girl, Nena plays the class clown.  It was not scripted as such, Nena is simply a true class clown, so what you see is what it was.  There is a basic idea behind the big scene, but most of what the girls say is improved or, in Nena’s case, simply their actual personalities.  This makes Nena stand out of course. 

And her clowning ways earned her 100 extra whacks with the hairbrush and 3 whacks with the giant paddle.  There were 4 girls who volunteered to take the paddle.  Nena did not.  But Lana, in character as Principal Miller, decided Nena deserved three hard whacks with the paddle. 

I imagine that didn’t change her ways and the next time we shoot Nena, she’ll still be cutting up.  I’ll keep you posted.

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Photo Challenge

by on Oct.13, 2010, under Spanked school girls

camera.JPGSpanked school girls
There were over 1,000 photos taken during the Exclusive Education 5 shoot in August.  Since the photos aren’t updated all immediately, I have been spreading them out.  I resize each photo and often adjust the brightness and/or contrast.  Occasionally I color correct. 
So needless to say, it is very time consuming.  While resizing a photo, I often discover something unwanted or even comical in the rare photo.  Usually it is a light stand, an unwanted product or a model out of character.  In the top photo, the second cameraman’s camera is in this shot. 
The photo below is supposed to have all the school girls getting ready for class, but only one (Marie) is in character and not looking at the camera.  It’s a challenging job sometimes, but believe me, I’m not complaining.
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