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Tag: Spanked secretaries

Madison Martin – Real Tears

by on Sep.03, 2010, under spanked girlfriends

Spanked secretary
In all of my shoots with Madison Martin, she has cried real tears twice.  One of those scenes is now up on My Spanking Roommate.  We shot a few scenes the day we did this shoot, and maybe it was a culmination of pain.  A wooden paddle was used when the tears came.  Or it could’ve been something in the scenario that triggered the tears.
Sometimes models cry from pain, but often it is more about where they are emotionally.  This scene was about starting a relationship with a boyfriend, and disappointing him by continuously being late – something that Madison struggles with in real life on occasion. 
Whatever the cause, Madison was clear about us going on with the shoot despite the tears.  So there you have it – Madison Martin – beautiful, outstanding spanking bottom, and gamer.
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Spanked Comedy

by on Aug.22, 2010, under spanked girlfriends

Spanked Secretaries
Ashli Orion is featured in a scene that starts running on My Spanking Roommate tomorrow.  The set up is that Madison Martin got penalized on the tax return that accountant Chloe Elise did for her.  Ashli tags along to make sure Madison gets justice.  Now wouldn’t you all like to spank your tax lady – especially if she looked like Chloe Elise?  After Madison is finished spanking Chloe, she spanks Ashli for recommending Chloe. 
This was a hilariously funny shoot – in that the girls were cutting up and goofing around.  Sometimes that can be annoying when you’re trying to finish a shoot – but in this case it was enjoyable because these three are truly hilarious.  The spankings were real enough for sure – but they had a good time and it shows in the content.  If you check it out, be sure to catch the blooper.  Ashli, Madison and Chloe are usually good for a blooper or two on a shoot.
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Spanked Secretaries

by on Jul.25, 2010, under Spanking

Spanking Secretaries
Spanking secretaries has been a long time fantasy for many.  On the My Spanking Roommate site, there are many episodes didicated to secretaries getting spanked.  Madison Martin, one of the main characters of this spanking soap opera, plays one such secretary (though her character insists she is an administrative assistant whever she is called a “secretary.”)  She is spanked often by her boss Harmony. Sinn Sage also plays a secretary on the site – and in future episodes she will be giving and receiving many spankings. 
And Chloe Elise, another main character of the site, plays an accountant – so while not appearing as a secretary getting spanked, she has an office inside her apartment and is part of many clerical style spankings.  Either over-the-knee on an office chair, or bent over a desk. The next episode on My Spanking Roommate is an episode in which Chloe spanks Nicole (played by Ashli Orion) for failing to supply all of her tax information.  Madison also appears in the episode, which begins running tomorrow. 
There are several news stories about secretaries actually getting spanked, though when it happens these days it usually results in bad news for the spanker.  However on My Spanking Roommate, the results are quickly forgotten and often repeated.  More on Chloe Elise tomorrow.
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