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Tag: spanked sisters

Alicia and Alanah Realistic Relatives

by on Nov.11, 2010, under Spanked To Tears

Girl Spanks Girl
Alicia Paniettere and Alanah Rae are playing relatives on the latest series running on Girl Spanks Girl.  They could be sisters, really.  Both are blonde and have similar builds (outside of Alanah’s boob job).  They are spanked by Snow Mercy in a hard and realistic long scene with lots of over the knee hand and hairbrush spanking. 
It helps that they look similar enough to be related as I have shot more than once scenes in which sisters are, well, very different.  One of my favorites was when Darling (VERY white) played sister to a model we shot only once called Monica Breeze (who was Hispanic).  Monica was cute, had a nice bootie, but didn’t look like Darling in any way by any stretch of the imagination (although they both made wildly entertaining reactions when spanked). 
To my best recollection, the  video was a custom and the client wanted those two models.  Maybe he thought they looked alike.  It also appears on Girl Spanks Girl and is called The Governess.  They are both worth checking out altough if you like your spanking scenes more realistic, then definitely check out the new Alicia scene.
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Kailee Paddled

by on Aug.15, 2010, under spanked girlfriends

Spanked sistersSpanked sisters
Kailee is a wildly popular model because she is beautiful and can take and give a hard spanking.  She appears on Clare Fonda’s  My Spanking Roommate as Madison Martin’s sister, Kailee Martin.  As a regular on the site, she pops up often.  In this episode, her sugar mamma Simone (played by Lana) gives Madison an over the knee spanking, followed by a paddling to Kailee and Madison – who both took it hard. 
Kailee has a reputation as a tough girl who doesn’t back down from anyone.  From what I see, though, she is sort of quiet, introspective, sensitive, considerate and very, very sweet – so I just don’t see “the bad girl” unless she is playing the role for a video. 
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