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Tag: spanking

Smile While You Spank Your Roommate

by on Apr.20, 2022, under Spanking

Apparently spanking your roommate can bring a smile to your face, as you can see from these photos taken on the set of My Spanking Roommate shoots.

Clare Fonda excels at getting her scene partner to crack a smile during their photo set

In Episode 408 on the site there is a fantastic spanking when a crazy Clare Fonda spanks her roommate for making fun of the creepy dolls on her wall.  In this episode her roommate Nikki Sweet gets to spank Clare. It’s funny yes, and maybe that’s why Nikki is smiling in this photo.  Or maybe it’s because Clare is just so funny and was trying to get her scene partner to crack up. Which she did more than once.

Dria is cracking up at something Rachel Adams said during the photo shoot for Episode 425

In episode 425 Dria cracks up just as she finished shooting the photo set for the spanking she gave Rachel Adams, who is pulling up her shorts.  Dria seems to be very happy and quick to laugh, but I don’t recall what Rachel said to set her off this time.  Rachel has a very dry sense of humor. So it must’ve been good.

Sky Terrapin flashes a giant smile while spanking Madison Martin’s juicy booty in Epi 432

In upcoming episode 432 Sky Terrapin flashes a big smile while she is spanking Madison Martin, who also can be very funny.  Or maybe Sky is just really happy to be spanking Madison’s famous juicy booty.

Enjoy the spanking and enjoy the smiles!

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Looking for 500th Model

by on Aug.31, 2021, under spanked call girls, Spanking

We recently shot with Carmen, a switch from The Dominion dungeon, and she was our model number 496. Check out our list of models.

Carmen brings high energy to her scenes whether she is doing the spanking or getting spanked

Carmen’s first scene will come out this Thursday on Spanked Call Girls, in which she gets spanked by Dria in a pool.

This was Carmen’s first ever spanking shoot as she checks in as our 496th model

Madison Swan is scheduled for an upcoming shoot that will bring the new model list to 497.  That leaves just 2 new models before we reach our landmark 500th model.  Seems like I should be looking for the perfect model to fill that slot.

It has to be a model that is new to our sites.  Any suggestions?

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Happy Easter

by on Apr.05, 2015, under Spanking

Happy Easter from CF Worldwide.  In honor of the day, here is a photo from a scene from last year that ran on Spanked Call Girls and features two beautiful bunnies.

Easter bunnies Ashley Rose and Veronica Ricci

Easter bunnies Ashley Rose and Veronica Ricci

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Hurts to Sit Down

by on Jul.27, 2014, under Spanking

I believe that if I had a camera running non-stop at every shoot that I would get a little bit of boring stuff and my data cards would fill up fast but I would also record some stuff that spanking fans would really appreciate. And I don’t mean “peeping” material.

Ludella Hahn has trouble sitting

Ludella Hahn has trouble sitting

My spanking shoots have been called everything ranging from too light to too severe. Most of the time they are somewhere in between. But the spankings are very real, and they almost always cause lots of pain to the model who is getting spanked. Most models, especially the first time they shoot a spanking scene, complain a lot about how much it hurts to sit down after (and sometimes during) the shoot.

It REALLY really hurt Mia Vallis to sit on her first shoot

It REALLY really hurt Mia Vallis to sit on her first shoot

They often rub their bottom, or have another model rub Arnicare gel all over her bottom. And, to most of my member’s delight, they almost always have trouble sitting down.  This is always nice when it is included in a scene.

Mary Jane knows that spankings make for a tender bum

Mary Jane knows that spankings make for a tender bum

But trust me, this goes own all during a shoot.  Out of the corner of my eye while I moving a light or setting up a camera, I catch a model sitting, yelping, standing, rubbing her bottom and saying something along the lines of “hey it really does hurt when you sit down.”

Alyssa Reece says "ouch" on her first spanking shoot

Alyssa Reece says “ouch” on her first spanking shoot

So whenever you see it in a scene, when near the end a model struggles to sit and then rubs her bottom, believe me when I share that this is real stuff, and only skims the surface. Spanking shoots really do make a model “hurt when she sits down.”

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Domme and Dommer

by on Jul.03, 2013, under spanked call girls, Spanking

Two great dommes, hence the clever title for this scene called DOMME AND DOMMER.  Clever, right?

The scene started running today on Spanked Call Girls and it stars the two great dommes Snow Mercy and Nikki Rogue, who also happen to be headliners at tonight’s 10th annual Bondage Ball in Los Angeles.

Nikki Rogue strikes first.

In the story, Nikki and Snow try to out domme each other. Won’t tell you who wins.

But these two lovely yet dangerous ladies are great friends in real life and embraced entirely this scene that had a built in competition element to it. It was shot in our big France shoot, and set there as well. And you gotta LOVE the latex.

Will Snow Mercy prove to be “dommer?”

Definitely worth checking out these two any time you can. If only to see which one is dommer.

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Friend Ashley Rose on Spanked Sweeties

by on Mar.25, 2013, under Interviews

Sometimes I shoot models and don’t feel much one way or another.  They are doing their job and I am doing mine.

Occasionally (but very rarely), I shoot a model and find her to be annoying and hope that I don’t have to work with her again.

And once in a while, I shoot with someone who has a stand-out personality and I end up considering her a friend. Ashley Rose, the latest Spanked Sweeties,  is someone I consider a friend now.

Ashley Rose takes a hard spanking

Ashley is so sweet and fun to be around.  And she is a great model who cares about her work.  She has a nice, curvy bottom and even though she isn’t all about the pain, she is willing to take a lot of it getting spanked because she wants her work to stand out.

Ashley was spanked often growing up and though I am sure they were painful spankings, you can’t help but smile as Ashely goes through her interview on the site because she smiles and giggles and has almost fond memories as she lays out the discipline she received.  Does this mean that she enjoys spankings?  I don’t think so.

Ashley says she had a small sitter who spanked hard!

I’m not really sure what it means. If any of you watch her interview and the re-enactments she receives from “father,” “babysitter” – who is played by Casey Cumz, or her “Nanny” (played by Syren De Mer, then please comment on this blog.

Syren De Mer interviews and spanks Ashley

I would very much like to get to the bottom of this.  How can someone so sweet talk about getting spanked and have it bring a smile to the viewers face?  Hmmm.

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Happy Valentine’s Day

by on Feb.14, 2012, under Spanking


Instead of doing the obvious and telling you about the models that I love on this Valentine’s Day (since there are probably too many to name – you know who you are if you’re reading this ladies – ha), I am going to blog about love lost (as in the bigs ones that got away). 

Two models that I have always wanted to shoot with, but it never quite worked out, are Jadie Reece and Samantha Woodley.  I met Jadie in Las Vegas once at a Shadowland convention.  She was supposed to shoot with us that weekend, but she couldn’t.  She felt badly and bought Clare and I a drink.  I’m quite sure that if Jadie bumped into me (literally) right now, she wouldn’t know me from the guy right behind me. 

But I will always remember her beauty and curvy bottom and I have seen her in several scenes and she is always amazing.  So hopefully we will shoot her some day.  The photo of Jadie is from Northern Spanking.  She appears on that site often, as well as Bars and Stripes. 

Here is a blog with some photos of Jadie (for Northern Spanking – an excellent site) spanking Sarah Gregory, a model I have shot with often.  I’m also a big fan of Sarah, and am exited that I will be seeing her this Friday.  I will be sure to ask her all about shooting with Jadie. 


As for Samantha, there were a number of occasions when we were talking about shooting with her, but for various reasons, it never worked out.  She has shot with many sites (I’m not sure where this photo of her comes from – I found it on the web amongst 100s of random shots of this super cute girl next door – just googled her name), but I don’t believe she shoots as a free agent any longer. 

So on this Valentine’s Day, I think mostly about the lovely models I have worked for, but will always be wondering about these two that got away. 

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DVDs For Sale

by on Dec.10, 2011, under Spanking


The above photo is part of a scene currently running on Spanked Call Girls.  It was one of the hardest spankings Veronica Ricci ever received, she said, and she had to cut when Jenni Mack was spanking her.  It is also included in a DVD called Spanked Call Girls, Vol. 1: Audrey Tate.

The plan is to create a website to sell Clare Fonda DVDs.  But until that happens, there is a way to get the following DVDs (all of which are at least 60 minutes long). 

Simply send a check or money order to:

CF Worldwide, Inc

4821 Lankershim Blvd, Suite F289

North Hollywood, 91601

$25 per DVD or three for $70. Please include $5 for domestic shipping and $10 for international shipping

1.  Exclusive Education 6 – Stars Lana, Snow Mercy, Veronica Ricci and Lilia Spinoza – 63 minutes (available on

2.  Strict Cousin- Stars Alicia Panettiere, Mary Jane, Ten Amorette and Clare Fonda – 92 minutes (available on

 3.  Family Spanking Scandal – Stars Snow Mercy, Sophia Locke and Ashli Orion 67 minutes (available on www.spankedcallgirls and )

4. Missy Spanked to Tears- stars Missy Rhodes, Veronica Ricci, Snow Mercy and Clare Fonda 1 hour and 53 minutes (available on

5. Women Spanking Men Vol. 1  – stars Miss Chris, Audrey Knight, Mary Jane, Kade, Tom Byron, Ace and Bart 62 minutes (available on )

6. Mom Spanking Journal – stars Ash Hollywood, Alexis Grace, Shay Golden and Clare Fonda. (Available on and )

7. Lesbian Sugar Momma – Stars Kay Richards, Madison Martin. Clare Fonda and Veronica Ricci (Available on and )

8. Men Spank Clare – Clare Fonda, Steve Fuller, Kyle Johnson, Kade and Ace  – 62 minutes (available on www.hotgirlspanked and ) 

 9. Spanked Superheroines – Snow Mercy, Alexis Grace, Mary Jane, Sophia Locke, Clare Fonda -63 minutes Snow Mercy looks the part as Wonder Woman. Lots of hot catfighting, special effects and good spankings (also available on )

10. Spanked Callgirls Vol. 1: Audrey Tate – stars Veronica Ricci, Kay Richards, Jenni Mack, Miss Chris and Clare Fonda  – 63 minutes (available on

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Profile on Julie Night

by on Nov.24, 2011, under Spanked school girls


When the shoot for Exclusive Education 6 (on Girl Spanks Girl) ended, and the other camerman and I were packing up our equipment, the other cameraman offered a suggestion to me for my blog.  And finally, I am using his suggestion. 

He said something like “hey that one chick was really into the spanking.  It sounded like she was going to have an orgasm.  You should blog about that.”  So here it is, the blog about it. 

Julie Night, like some models, seems to be really into spanking.  And she did indeed make sounds while she was being spanked, that made it seem like she was enjoying her spanking.  Maybe not ideal for a schoolgirl punishment scene, but I imagine those were her true reactions.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen this reaction, other than in erotic spanking scenes. 

Today is Thanksgiving.  Maybe Julie gives thanks for spanks? 

Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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Bliss Evermore and School Girls vs. Sorority Girls

by on Oct.26, 2011, under Spanked school girls

Bliss Evermoresorority paddling

Bliss Evermore is a pretty cool name, right?  She is today’s featured model from Exclusive Education 6 appearing on Girl Spanks Girl.  Rather than saying too much about Bliss (that was fun to type), I will send you to her very own Interview that appeared in the Cherry Red Report.  The way you can hear about her experiences from the big shoot in her own words. 

On another note, I would love to get any reader feedback on one idea.  What would any of you think if we did a big sorority girl shoot in 2012 and gave the big schoolgirl shoot a year off, only to return with another big schoolgirl shoot in 2013? 

Mixing it up a little couldn’t hurt, could it?  Unless you are one of the sorority girls on the receiving end of a hard hazing spanking or worse, 10 with the pledge paddle?  One of the above photos is of Bliss from EE6, the other is a frame grab from a shoot done a looooong time ago for Girl Spanks Girl, called Sorority Initiation, back when cameras were not high definition, file resolution was bad, and Clare Fonda had short hair.  Sorority Initiation begs for an update.

So the idea is that the schoolgirl shoot would happen every other year, being mixed in with a big shoot in the odd years that could include sorority girls, prison girls, cheerleaders and well you get the idea.  I’ve always been a fan of the old saying “variety is the spice of life.”  What is your opinion?

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