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Tag: spanking ban in England

Brit Ban Means What?

by on Dec.05, 2014, under Spanking

I have been hearing slightly conflicting info on the ban England put on spanking producers this past Monday. Here is one video discussing the ban a bit.

It appears that adult producers in England will not be able to include spanking in their scenes (among other restrictions). It seems the “wise” decision makers over there view spanking (as well as face sitting and female ejaculation – but not male ejaculation which is still okay) as life threatening situations that should not be filmed by Brits.

Hope our friend Pandora Blake can still produce in her home country

Hope our friend Pandora Blake can still produce in her home country

Seriously?  Exactly how hard are those Brits spanking over there?  “I’m gonna spank you to death, lassie!”

I’m not sure how the government plans to enforce that decision and how much English tax money they will allocate to “protecting” Brits from watching spanking scenes produced by their countrymen, but if you ask me, even one pound is one too many.

Leia-Ann woods was in pain, but not danger from this spanking by an American

Leia-Ann woods was in pain, but not in danger from this spanking by an American

Maybe all the English spanking producers will flood to the USA to get their spank on?  Maybe they will find ways to continue producing. Or maybe someone will point out how ridiculous this ban is and it will get lifted quickly so they can put time and resources into more useful concerns – like how can they crank out another season of “Doc Martin” and perhaps somehow work a spanking scene in.

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