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Tag: Spanking in movies and TV

Big Booty Confession

by on Sep.23, 2010, under Spanking in movies and TV

Big Butts
I confess.  Like the song says “I love big butts I cannot lie.”  The photo above has 3 of my all time favorite booties belonging to (from left to right) Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardasian and Eva Mendez
If things go according to plan, there will be a shoot this Saturday featuring Mary Jane for Spanked Sweeties.  The three booty beauties pictured above have nothing on Mary Jane.  After the shoot, I will post a photo on the blog. 
Mary Jane will be exclusive to Clare Fonda Productions and I am predicting big things for this young lady.  So be on the lookout for a Mary Jane booty sighting.
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Spanking in Movies and TV

by on Jul.15, 2010, under Spanking in movies and TV

Jessica Alba SpankedKate Hudson Spanked
So as most of you by now must be aware, there are many, many movies and TV shows old and new that feature scenes with spankings included.  Most of the scenes are typically M/F, but you can definitely find some F/F if you look hard enough – especially in older foreign films.  Classic spankings from movies have included “McClintock,” and recently “Secretary,” in which the scenes are pivotal plot points.  And in TV shows like “I Love Lucy” and “Bewitched” have provided spankings that have helped mold fantasies. 
There is a new film out now called THE KILLER INSIDE ME, which claims not one, but TWO spanking scenes, both with mega hot chicks getting spanked – Jessica Alba and Kate Hudson.  Jessica’s spanking can already be found all over the web, even though the film is still only in theaters (good luck finding one showing it though).  But we will have to wait until the film is released on DVD to see Kate Hudson getting her spanking, which she talks about all over the internet.  As someone who has filmed fight scenes and well as spanking scene in feature films, you should know that spankings aren’t faked for film. 
You can hide a punch in a film by using forced perspective – meaning with one character’s back to the camera, a “miss” will look like a punch has landed – with the help of the actor selling the punch and a good sound effect.  But screen spanking is real.  No forced perspective – thankfully.  And there are many takes – and multiple angles.  So if Kate Hudson looks like she gets 5 or 6 swats in the film, it means that she probably got as many as 100 swats. 
And she claims that she was giggling through her spanking scene (nervous laughter no doubt) and that some of the smacks really hurt.  Most likely, she was very sore from the real spanking she gave for her art.  Thanks Kate and Jessica for taking one (or 100) for the team.
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