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Tag: spanking in video games

Spanking in Video Games

by on Mar.04, 2019, under Spanking

Recently I discovered there are some spanking options in video games. In God’s Hand you are the male character who can battle and spank some sexy villains.

God Spank Video game includes spanking

It looks like one of the main purposes of the video game Spank The Booty 2 is to simply spank a booty.  In the original Spank The Booty video game, you get to decide how hard you spank (in miles per hour), leaving your hand print on the lady’s booty.

This is from the original Spank the Booty video game

There is a video game (is this even for real?) where you can spank the princess Elsa even picking which implement to use.

Spank the Booty must’ve been so popular they made a 2nd version

Also, there is some video games that include ladies wrestling and spanking each other that has better graphics. I believe this one is called Dead or Alive 5 and is all about wrestling and spanking.  Or maybe you can find this 10 year old spanking & wrestling video game.

Here is a long list of spanking in video games if you are interested in researching this even more.

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