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Tag: spanking Mandy Muse

Mandy Muse Makes Her Spanking Debut

by on Dec.01, 2016, under spanked girlfriends, Spanking, spanking soap opera

Many models have made their spanking debut on our sites.  The latest is Mandy Muse, who is now up on My Spanking Roommate, getting spanked and wedgied by Madison Martin (who plays her school supervisor and cousin on the site).

Mandy Muse makes her spanking debut

Mandy Muse makes her spanking debut, which seems to make Madison happy.

Mandy is a real-life friend to Jenna Sativa, who also appears in this scene as her conniving cohort. It is rare that the first time you shoot a model, she can take a pretty firm spanking, unless she is experienced in spanking, which Mandy was not at the time of the shoot. But she had a “go for it” attitude.

Mandy's real-life friend Jenna Sativa watches this painful wedgie

Mandy’s real-life friend Jenna Sativa can’t look at this painful wedgie

Add that with her cute bubble butt and her very expressive and real reactions, you get a real winning debut. Look for Mandy’s character to develop on the site and for her to eventually spank her older cousin Madison.

Jenna tries to comfort Mandy's sore bottom. Welcome to spanking apartment complex

Jenna tries to comfort Mandy’s sore bottom. Welcome to spanking apartment complex

No doubt Mandy will be up to that task.

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