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Tag: spanking Sadie Holmes

New Record For Saying The Word “Spanking”

by on Oct.03, 2014, under Spanking, spanking sorority girls

On certain shoots, I will suggest a few “buzz” words or phrases to models.  Words that they might work into certain scenes to enhance the members viewing. Not on all sites and scenes, of course, but some sites and scenes will benefit from some key lines or words.

Sadie Holmes get a sound spanking from Riley

Sadie Holmes get a sound spanking from Riley

In most cases, models get caught up in the scene and rarely if ever use the buzz words, or work in characters that appeared previously on the site for their specific storyline (which is something I will also prep them on).  Which is fine, of course.  It’s always great when the models make a scene their own, make it real so to speak.  But there are times when models fall in love with and embrace a word or phrase. Most of these words would be obvious to any spanko.

They set the record for using the word "spanking" in a scene

They set the record for using the word “spanking” in a scene

The word “spanking” is great to hear and used in the right moment, can push a scene to another level.  The latest episode of Spanking Sorority Girls stars Riley and Sadie Holmes.

Sadie looks like Katie Holmes, who needs a spanking

Sadie looks like Katie Holmes, who needs a spanking

I suggested a few words and phrases to them. They both seemed to focus on only one, which was a word. “Spanking.”  If you watch this scene, you will marvel (or laugh or maybe even groan) at how many times they work the word “spanking” into their scene, sometimes naturally, sometimes you-gotta-be-kidding-me she said it again.

Sadie had a truly sore bottom after this "spanking"

Sadie had a truly sore bottom after this “spanking”

Personally, I enjoy the scene.  It is full of high powered energy, and Sadie takes a pretty solid hand spanking, which really did make it hard for her to sit down, for real. I don’t think they used the word too much. And if it does indeed give some viewers a charge, he/she may actually hear it so many times your head will explode.

Enjoy hearing that word.  SPANKING.

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