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Tag: spanking signs

Spanking Signs

by on Feb.20, 2018, under Spanking

When two sexy young schoolgirls walk into an office and are accused of stealing a nun’s purse in a spanking video, that is a sign that someone is about to receive some corporal punishment.

Veronica delivers a painful spanking to two naughty schoolgirls on the Sorority site

This custom scene is up now on Spanking Sorority Girls, staring Veronica Ricci as the senior girl doing the spanking, with Chrissy Marie and Lola Anderson (appearing in her first ever spanking scene) as the punished girls. Really a terrific scene.

If you look around, though, there are more subtle spanking signs to be found.  I snapped a photo on my phone of a salon that promises Pink Cheeks.  Hmmm. I thought about going in to ask exactly what they meant, but then came to my senses.

There is a sign in another country that sure looks like a person bending someone over for punishment. I traveled that path and didn’t see anyone paying her road toll with a spanking.  Another false sign.

How about this old ad for Sanka Coffee that features what seems to be a sister spanking. Could it happen? Depends on the coffee, I guess.

S is for Spanking is a pretty clear and straight forward sign. Probably our favorite “S” word.

And then there’s this clever sign proclaiming “ouch” is not a safe word.  So of course, ouch is said a lot in our Episode 151 on Spanking Sorority Girls. And it doesn’t stop any action.

Lola Anderson and Chrissy Marie rub each other’s sore bottoms after a hard spanking

See from the Spanking Sorority Girls scene, there are the 2 ladies rubbing each other’s bottom (which was Veronica’s ad-lib in the scene) – a clear sign that these are sore, red, well spanked bottoms.

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