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Tag: spanking Snow Mercy

Snow Mercy Behind-the-Scenes

by on Feb.13, 2020, under Interviews, mother/daughter spanking, spanked call girls, Spanking

This is the third in the behind-the-scenes model profile series, this post focusing on the amazing Snow Mercy.

The first time we ever met Snow Mercy was for this Spanked Sweeties shoot 15 years ago

We first encountered Snow at the Shadow Lane spanking convention about 15 years ago.  She did a Spanked Sweeties interview for us and Clare Fonda then played her mom in a re-enactment scene. Snow had a religious upbringing and was spanked often.

A behind the scene photo taken from a shoot a few months ago at Snow’s studio.

I believe Snow was doing some switching and domming at the time we first met her, but she was relatively new to being a domme then. Since then Snow has become one of the most well know dommes in the world.

Snow is the volleyball coach who spanks many bottoms in EE14 – helps to be tall and strong

She worked at a dungeon for several years before setting up her very own dungeon. Behind the Scenes, Snow is one of the most prepared models you will ever come across. She is a method spanker of sorts, wanting to know as much as possible about each character she portrays so she can present a nuanced and realistic scene.

This shoot in France was orchestrated by Snow – and she got spanked by the ladies on a hike

Even though Snow is primarily a dominatrix, she will bottom on occasion to a model she trusts to deliver a proper spanking. In Episode 100 of Spanking Sorority Girls, Snow gets spanked on a hike in France. Snow orchestrated this shoot, arranging a place for the models to stay so that we could afford to pull off this shoot that resulted in many scenes across our sites.

Another shoot at Snow’s Studio – her dungeon set. Here Madam Snow spanks Chanell Heart

Snow is very open about what characters she will play.  She is Madam Snow, one of the leaders of a cat house for Spanked Call Girls. And she is bold with her outfit choices.

Snow is okay with playing the young, hot mom, which she does often for our Sweeties site

And she is okay playing the (young, hot) mom for Spanked Sweeties, which she does fairly often.  It has been a great 15 years of shooting with Snow and we are looking to many more shoots to come!

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Behind the Scenes Photos

by on Apr.27, 2015, under spanked call girls

I am often too rushed at shoots to get good behind-the-scenes photos.  Mostly I get photos that go into the galleries for that scene.  Occasionally something amusing happens and I’m able to get a quick snap.

On one of the recently posted scenes on Spanked Call Girls, I was able to get Veronica Ricci, Snow Mercy and Koko Kitten to pose for some behind-the-scenes photos.  They speak for themselves. Enjoy.

Posing Beauties

Posing Beauties

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Exclusive Education Wrapping Up

by on Nov.25, 2013, under Spanked school girls, Spanking

Exclusive Education 8 is nearing it’s run on Girl Spanks Girl with the third and final installment coming to a conclusion soon. The first section of the three part epic was shot in the US, then parts 2 and 3 were shot in France.

This final segment now running was shot in the woods of France. There are a few interesting behind-the-scenes stories about this shoot.

One interesting tidbit is how we chose the position in which Snow would get spanked. No one wanted to do over-the-knee in the woods. Nikki Rogue (the primary spanker) didn’t really want to sit on a log with the very tall Snow over her lap. Some various angles of bending over were discussed until someone suggested Snow bend over one of the girls. Everyone looked to Missy Rhodes to be that girl as she was by far the tiniest model there.  The always super game Missy agreed and the spanking angle was secured.

Did Snow Mercy deserve this spanking in France?

It was entertaining how Snow Mercy would ask every chance she got “are you getting lots of scenery?” whenever I set up the cameras. At first it was helpful, then sort of funny, then it was I’m-glad-Snow-gets-her-butt-beat-in-this-scene.

Yes, in the final chapter, it is the teacher who gets spanked by the students. This is a popular theme in spanking, when the tables are turned. And Snow was at least a tiny bit deserving as she, like the teacher she plays, was a bit naughty on the week-long shoot in France. It was all in good fun, though.

This bath brush stings!

And we had to stop once as some hikers heard what we were doing. Not sure they really knew what was going on, and we played the part of “hikers” till they passed by. Then it was back on with the spankings. Sadly, all good things must end.

Some hikers heard this spanking in the woods

So what should I do to follow this up next year for Exclusive Education 9?  Back to the classroom?  Maybe a schoolgirl slumber party that leads to mischief and discipline? More cheerleaders?  All cheerleaders?  Do I start recruiting new models some time soon?  I can think of lots of strong candidates. Should be fun to cast! I am open to suggestions (and often get some – and already have for EE9).

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France Spanking Awards

by on May.21, 2013, under Spanked school girls, Spanking, spanking soap opera, spanking sorority girls

If you follow my blog, you know that I shot with 5 of my top models IN FRANCE last week.

Veronica Ricci gets an outdoor spanking from Snow Mercy for sorority site.

There is so much to share about the trip. Great scenes, models giving their all, some vacationing (and drinking).

But for now, let me share my votes for various spanking awards from the shoot.

Koko Kitten knows how to pout!

BEST POUTER: This is Koko Kitten‘s award – no competition. The other girls have great reactions when getting spanked, but no one can pout like Koko.

Let the marking begin on this ginger bum

BEST MARKER: Veronic Ricci has a cute ginger bottom that can take extremely hard spankings. If we added up all the spanks that were received on this trip, she would win “most swats received” in a landslide. She has a way of acting up in scenes that just calls for extra spankings. The equation is thus — ginger butt + lots of spankings = biggest marks.

Her poor bum got purple, black & blue, speckled – and sore. She said her butt hurt all the way home on that looonnng flight back.

Missy Rhodes would be a runner up in this category – as she got speckled quite a bit the week of the shoot.

Nikki Rogue and Snow Mercy sporting super slick outfits!

BEST OUTFITS: This one is very competitive. Veronica’s French maid outfit was amazing. Missy and Koko sported lots of cute little girl-like outfits that showed off their bottoms.

But the winner is a tie between Nikki Rogue and Snow Mercy who squeezed into super tight, shiny and color coordinated latex outfits for their Domme vs. Domme scene.

WOW is pretty much all one can say when they see these two do battle in this scene that will appear on Spanked Call Girls soon.

No one squeals like Missy Rhodes

BEST SQUEALER: Koko and Nikki can squeal with the best of them. Veronica has her own reactions of shock and awe when spanked – and often pleads for the spanker to stop.  Snow doesn’t get spanked too often, but she has very intense reactions as well.

But no one squeals like cute little Missy Rhodes. And they are very REAL reactions. Missy’s bum experienced a great deal of pain this trip, but she powered through  it and for that we can give thanks.

There was a new model who did one scene for the shoot named Buffy Buffington. She did a great job as well, but since she was in only one scene so she is not eligible for these awards. Sorry, Buffy.

All the ladies on the trip offered something special and there will be many memorable scenes that will be shared with fans of the sites in the weeks and months to come!

Viva la France!

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