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Tag: spanking

How Real A Spanking Scene is Depends on the SPANKER

by on Jul.18, 2011, under Spanking

Veronica Ricci spanked

I read a post from a female spanko on Fetlife recently in which she was complaining about how spanking videos looked unrealistic.  She said she was young (and Mormon) and so I am assuming that she hadn’t seen very many spanking videos. 

Of course I have filmed and viewed thousands, so speaking from experience, most spanking scenes shot for spanking sites are in fact real spankings.  Just ask the model getting spanked if she thought it was real or not.  Now I have viewed some scenes, the majority of these being on clips4sale, where it is a non-spanking site trying some spanking scenes. 

They don’t know and/or care about how believeable the spanking is, so they get a couple of models who spank each other lightly.  I suspect this is the sort of thing our Mormon friend stumbled onto.  I would make a rough estimate that about 90% of the spanking scenes I have shot were what I would consider real spankings.  Maybe they don’t always look hard, but the spankee is taking it as hard as she can and her reactions are real. 

In the 10% of cases where I don’t consider the scene to be real, it comes from the spanker not being able to spank the other model as hard as she can take it.  If a model is not being spanked as hard as she can (or at least in that ball park) then she is either not reacting, or faking her reactions.  Bummer when this happens.    But some ladies just can’t spank hard enough – either due to phsyical or mental limitations. 

In the above photo, Veronica Ricci is using some cream to help keep her bottom from bruising too much.  We shot her recently getting spanked by Clare Fonda and Missy Rhodes.  Veronica is so sweet and gentle, she had to be taught by Clare how to spank hard enough. 

There is a clip where she spanks Clare on Hot Girls Spanked.  And the most recent clip has her spanking Missy Rhodes.  Veronica is surprisingly strong, so it was her mental barrier that Clare had to break through.  “It’s okay to spank me hard.”  Glad to report that Vernica could deliver.

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Adjusting a Spanking Shoot to the Model

by on Jun.02, 2011, under Spanking

Spanking Lazy Niece

A while back Clare Fonda had a shoot scheduled in the evening with a model from an agency.  At the last minute, the agency called to say the model wasn’t going to make it and they offered up another model for the shoot.  Samora Morgan. 

Samora had never done a spanking shoot and really knew nothing about spanking.  But she was game.  So we shot her for some scenes.  One of those scenes is now running on Girl Spanks Girl, in the Sensual section. 

Clare had a specific shoot scenario in mind, but Samora was very low key, and couldn’t pull off that scenario.  So Clare adapted Samora’s low energy into a new scene, which she made up on the spot, and had Samora play her lazy niece. 

And while Samora’s pain tolerance was incredibly low, Clare tested Samora’s limits, so her reactions are very real in the scene.  And you can see if you check out the scene, Samora’s bottom gets very red and speckled. 

I have from time to time shot for other producers.  Generally speanking, those producers will stick with their scenario and have the model play a role that she is not equipped to play.  This is something Clare does well – adapting the scene to fit the model’s strenghts. 

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Best Mother/Daughter Spanking Ever!

by on May.09, 2011, under Spanking

Snow Mercy Spanks Missy Golddsc_1848.JPG

I have filmed a large number of mother/daughter spanking scenes over the years, many of which were outstanding.  But the two I shot recently with Snow Mercy as the Mom and Missy Gold as the daughter were by far the best. 

There were two scenes, set one day after the other.  What made them so electric was the combination of realism, with solid spanking and amazing verbal skills.  It just all came together. 

I normally comment mostly about behind the scenes and what it is like to work with various models, but I just feel compelled to push anyone who enjoys a great mother/daughter spanking to check out these two scenes, now on Hot Girls Spanked.  Missy is very young, and she looks even younger.  She understands the dynamics of a great scene.  And Snow rivals Clare Fonda as the classic MILF. 

Snow and Missy are very believable as Mother and Daughter, and they include many of the classic elements such as “Mother turns to spanking as a last resort; daughter pleads that she is too old for a spanking; Mother overpowers her daughter and puts the struggling girl over her knee….”   In my opinion, this one is an instant classic.  

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Chloe Elise – Spanking Superstar

by on Jul.26, 2010, under Spanking

Chloe Elise
Take it from someone who has worked with hundreds (working toward 1,000) of spanking models, Chloe Elise is one of the superstars of the spanking biz.  She is beautiful, can give and take a hard spanking, has a fantastic personality, offers versatility as an actress, excells at being bratty, and of course has a very spankable bottom. 
Clare Fonda is thrilled to have Chloe as one of the stars on My  Spanking Roommate, where her latest episode begins running today.  On the site, which is a spanking soap opera, Chloe plays an accountant.  In this episode she is doing taxes for one of her neighbors in the apartment complex Nicole (played by Ashli Orion).  Nicole is a major bratty screw up and gives Chloe a VERY difficult time, which of course results in Chloe spanking her – with hand and a paddle.  Madison Martin also spanks Nicole in this episode. 
As far as behind the scenes, it was difficult to hold Chloe back from spanking Ashli.  Something about  Ashli’s personality cries “spank me – NOW bitch.”  So it was all I could do to keep up with Chloe’s desire to spank Ashli – since I believe that no spank should go unfilmed. 
While Chloe has appeared on many of the best spanking sites, she brings her entire bag of tricks to this site as one of the stars of My Spanking Roommate.  So if you love spankings, you should definitely check out Chloe on all her spanking sites and on her blog.
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Spanking With Mirrors

by on Jul.21, 2010, under Spanking

Spanking off a mirror
If any of you have checked out the photos on the last blog post, you will see a shot of Brooke Lee Adams spanking Mia Lelani in front of a mirror, which appears presently on Girl Spanks Girl.  The beauty of shooting with a mirror is that in the same shot, you can see the spankee’s bottom and the reactions on her face when she is in the popular over-the-knee and bent over spanking positions. 
You can achieve this somewhat from the side view, but shooting the bum straight on and seeing the entire face are really the best, in my opinion.  Of course there are many challenges shooting with mirrors – number one being how easy it is to catch the reflection of the cameraman or to reflect the lights used on the shoot.  It is not something you would find in a typical scene, except for a bathroom shoot – as referenced in these two photos from older Girl Spanks Girl scenes, featuring Kay Richards and Lauren Legends on the first shot and Sophie and Ashley Fires in the second.
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