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Tag: Star Nine spanking

Happy Spankgiving from Star and Newbee Riley Anne

by on Nov.17, 2017, under Interviews, mother/daughter spanking, Spanking Interviews

We recently shot with new model Riley Anne, who did her first ever spanking shoot and we have released her Spanked Sweeties scene and just in time for Halloween her Thanksgiving scene on Girl Spanks Girl.

Newbee Riley Anne plays Star’s sister for a Thanksgiving treat

In the holiday special, Star Nine, dressed as a Native American, plays Riley’s sister. Riley is dressed as a sexy pilgrim. The two ladies are preparing the Thanksgiving dinner when Riley says some ignorant and offensive comments about the relationship between the original native Americans and pilgrims.

Star gives Riley a Rump Roast instead of a turkey this Thanksgiving

Her older sister decides to teach her a lesson by putting her over her knee right there in the kitchen for a sound spanking. Riley said she enjoys being spanked, but we really tested her limits, which aren’t that of the typical submissive spanking star. It was a very real and painful spanking, which she asked for, and got her bottom quite red and sore for reel.

Star also plays Riley’s young mom on Spanked Sweeties

She asked for ice for her bottom between scenes, so we worked that into one of her Spanked Sweeties re-enactment scenes. Riley was very shy, but Star coaxes a very thoughtful interview out of her all about her spanking experiences.

So enjoy Star and our newest model Riley Anne as the take you through a very happy, red-bottomed Spanksgiving!

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The Hairflick

by on Aug.04, 2015, under Spanking

There is something that is rarely discussed in regards to when a hot lady is spanked or gives someone a spanking.  And that is the hairflick.  You read that right.  I’m not talking about a hairbrush spanking. I’m not talking about flicking some big bouncy bootie. I’m talking about how sometimes the spanker or spankee will flick her hair back during a spanking.

Madison throws back her hair to get some spanking leverage

Madison throws back her hair to get some spanking leverage

See above photo in which Madison Martin (one of the all time great hair flickers) tosses back her hair while giving Pandora Blake a spanking for My Spanking Roommate. My theory as to why Madison does more than anyone else is she has such long, thick hair and likes to give a good spanking, so she tosses it back to get some good leverage.

Real life roommates do real life spanking

Real life roommates do real life spanking

And here is more with Persephone flicking her hair back on My Spanking Roommate.

An interesting side note here is that there was a real life dispute between Persephone and Courtney Shea and they asked if they could use it for the scene, as they actually ARE roommates.  “Of course” was the quick answer.  This was a real spanking between the two, and it required some serious hair flicking for Persephone to get ready to make sure her long hair wouldn’t get in her face while she was spanked.

Star needs to see where she's putting that big thing

Star needs to see where she’s putting that big thing

My final example comes from Star Nine (on Girl Spanks Girl), who tosses back her hair before helping Jenna Satvia to get off (and right after she spanked her). I think Star needed to see exactly where she was going to put that big thing.

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Newbee Jenna Sativa a Budding Spanking Star?

by on Feb.02, 2015, under Spanking

I just shot Jenna Sativa recently and put the erotic scene she shot with Star Nine up on Girl Spanks Girl the next day.  She shot 3 scenes for this site with Star and did switching in all, meaning she was spanked and also did some spanking of her own. She also shot a fem-dom scene that was quite good and will pop up in a few weeks. It was great that she could do her first spanking shoot with the experienced and excellent Star – they were fantastic together in their scenes.  Star plays her life coach, who resorts to spanking the bratty Jenna. This is what I notice from Jeanna’s first ever spanking shoot:

Jenna gets her first ever on-camera spanking from Star

Jenna gets her first ever on-camera spanking from Star

1.  Jenna is a natural beauty.  She is so cute and sexy and no tattoos for those fans of all natural beauties.

Jenna is pretty and also expressive

Jenna is pretty and also expressive

2.  She is outstanding verbally. She is a natural at adlibbing and running with an idea – so much so that her scenes are quite believable.  They are essentially as close to a real spanking situation as you can get.  Nothing is forced.

Jenna's nice curvy bottom got really sore on this shoot!!

Jenna’s nice curvy bottom got really sore on this shoot!!

3.  She has a nice, curvy bottom. And it got really sore on this shoot.  By the end of the third scene, Jenna didn’t even try to sit down any more.

Jenna can take and give a good spanking

Jenna can take and give a good spanking

4.  She can take a good spanking.  She said she was spanked often growing up (which of course makes her a future Sweeties candidate). This seems to have prepared her for a career as a spanking model, assuming that the more she shoots, the more her tolerance will increase.  And she said she loves all things spanking – receiving, giving, watching. WOW!!

Jenna says she enjoys making out with girls after spanking them

Jenna says she enjoys making out with girls after spanking them

5.  She can give a good spanking.  This makes her more flexible in terms of shoots, and extremely valuable. She takes direction well, picks things up quickly and has an outstanding work ethic.  HOME RUN. I will shoot her again – maybe in a couple of months – if she is game, and I think she will be.  She is presently a girl-girl adult model in the adult biz., but seems quite game to shoot more fetish.  If things go well, maybe she will become one of the site regulars or semi-regulars. So definitely keep an eye out for more of Jenna Satvia!!

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