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History of the Hairbrush

by on Apr.14, 2011, under Spanking

Hairbrush spanking

I looked up the history of the hairbrush and no one can pinpoint when it was first used, though it is theorized that hairbrushes were used thousands of years BC.  Well the theory is that the hairbrush was used on hair.  No one can really say when the first frustrated mother decided her hand was not punishment enough while spanking her naughty daughter and so she yanked out he implement she was using to brush her hair and whacked the poor girl’s bottom with it. 

As far as shooting spanking scenes with a hairbrush, it can be trickier than you think.  The thing about the hairbrush is that it can really, really sting even when it is not be used at full force.  The problem with this is that it doesn’t make that loud sound you want, so it doesn’t look too hard, but the girl is still going crazy fighting the pain.  But when you find a model who can take a hard spanking, and the spanker whacks hard enough to make that crisp, echo-y sound when the brush meets the bottom at full force, then you meet success. 

A good example of the successful hairbrush scene is now up on My Spanking Roommate.  Chloe Elise is spanking Kailee  with a hairbrush.  Kailee can take it hard, Chloe can deliver with a brush, so it works. 

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