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Tag: Valentine’s Day spanking

Valentine’s Day Spanking in Snow’s Dungeon

by on Feb.14, 2017, under Spanking

The always stunning Snow Mercy decorated her dungeon for Valentine’s Day and we used it for an amazing Valentine scene on Girl Spanks Girl that pops in time for the lovely holiday.

New spanking model Amelie eats Snow's chocolates before giving them to her.  Oh-oh!

New spanking model Amelie eats Snow’s chocolates before giving them to her. Oh-oh!

And it is the spanking debut for the amazing new model Amelie, a super cutie who sports a spectacularly round bottom. We used Snow’s actual box of chocolates that Amelie’s character opens and starts eating before giving to her friend Snow.

Amelie is surprised to see that her friend Snow has her own dungeon

Amelie is surprised to see that her friend Snow has her own dungeon

So Snow introduces Amelie to her dungeon and demonstrates what happens to naughty girls who are in her circle of friends.  That is of course plenty of spanking and paddling, including many whacks with a leather paddle that features hearts.

Amelie learns what a spanking horse is. Giddy yup!

Amelie learns what a spanking horse is. Giddy yup!

The two lovely ladies got along great for the shoot, had outstanding chemistry, really enjoyed working with each other and did some hard spanking, too. This scene also features Amelie’s first attempt at spanking. It is playful, but still pretty hard.

Snow discovers the hard way that Amelie is a fast learner when it comes to topping

Snow discovers the hard way that Amelie is a fast learner when it comes to topping

A great scene for Valentine’s Day!!

Amelie gets some cage time for being naughty

Amelie gets some cage time for being naughty

Hope you all find your special person that might even get in a cage for you if that floats your boat!

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