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Tag: Veronica Ricci anal

Merry Christmas Spankings!

by on Dec.21, 2012, under Spanking

Well Christmas is getting closer.  And while in my personal life, Christmas is usually sad, never has anything to do with spanking, business is a little slower, traffic is bad and I transform into some sort of combo of the Grinch and Scrooge, I still like to celebrate with the site members by sharing a few Christmas episodes.  No “bah humbugs” for you guys.

Sierra Salem and Kay Richards pal around on set

In the above photo, Kay Richards poses with Sierra Salem in what was Sierra’s last ever new spanking scene, which appears on My Spanking Roommate. Sierra had a nice run as a spanking model and was very popular for a few years.  But like so many others this year, she walked away from the biz.

Clare shows Kay who is boss at Christmas

Also of note, this is Clare Fonda‘s second last new spanking scene that you will ever see (her New Years episode is still coming for you Clare fans).  The ladies had fun on this shoot, but did deliver some hard spankings, too.  At the time of the shoot, no one realized the significance, of course, so it was just another shoot – but a good one, with a nice Christmas vibe around the set.

Was Veronica naughty or nice? Looks like naughty.

The above photo is from Spanking Sorority Girls, and has Veronica’s mom (played by Mistress Crystal) spanking her hard.  Veronica Ricci has a really high pain tolerance, but she did have to cut once during this scene.  Crystal (as Veronica’s mom) is a pro domme and spanks really, really hard.  We didn’t really allow for a warmup – just started with the hard spanking – hence the one “cut.”  Merry Christmas, Veronica if you’re reading this.  It is a long scene, so it really gets going and Veronica was a super trooper on this one.

Koko Kitten, who watches and laughs while Veronica gets spanked, then of course gets spanked, too, is a rising star on our sites.  She can take and give good spankings, is outstanding verbally, and is well, really, really cute and cuddly.  I am mad crazy about Koko and she is becoming one of my new favorites.

Didn’t know Clare has a way with anal beads…hmmmm….

Also of note, Veronica got anal beads from none other than Clare Fonda in this episode.  They were very LARGE anal beads and I didn’t know how many of them Clare would insert.  I was surprised to discover ALL of them.  The last couple look, wow, giant.  Maybe this is Veronica’s Christmas present to all of her fans who enjoy a good anal Holiday.

I do wish all of my blog readers and site members a very Happy Holiday!  Working on the sites is a great way for me to power through my own Holiday situation.  It’s like I am close to all my friends (even if it is only on my computer) like my blog readers, Clare, Kay, Koko and Veronica.

Also shout-outs to Snow Mercy, Alex Reynolds, Christy Cutie, Nikki Rogue, Missy Rhodes, Ten Amorette, Ashley Rose, Audrey Knight, Lana, Genesis, and Sarah Gregory – it’s been a great year my friends!!

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