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Tag: Veronica Ricci spanking

Newest Site Hits Episode 50!

by on Feb.17, 2015, under Spanking

Our newest site, Spanking Veronica Works, just reached episode 50.  You may not have heard as much about this site as it is not on the affiliate program, so doesn’t get as much publicity as the other sites.  But it is doing well and I have received largely outstanding feedback on it.

Cowgirls Vs. Indian

Cowgirls Vs. Indian

Episode 50 is an excellent scene, with two gorgeous ladies, site regular Veronica Ricci (playing the Indian) and stunning Ryan Keely (as the cowgirl).  This is pretty typical of the scenes you will find on the site, with very solid spanking action, a little bit of humor, a decent amount of pain, and well – spectacular bottoms and sexy ladies.  What’s not to love?!

Ryan was surprised to discover how hard Veronica can spank!

Ryan was surprised to discover how hard Veronica can spank!

Veronica often creates the setups for the scenes and encourages lots of input from her co-stars, which she often hand-picks.  She bounces from job to job, and gets to show off her seemingly unending supply of costumes.

Ryan gets revenge with a wooden hairbrush

Ryan gets revenge with a wooden hairbrush

An interesting aside on these two stars is that they were Penthouse Pet of the Year runner-ups consecutive years (and in my  opinion both deserved to be the top Pet of their respective year!)

Looks like Ryan wants to punch this crazy lady.

Looks like Ryan wants to punch this crazy lady.

A behind the scene note is that Ryan hadn’t really done any spanking scenes before this shoot and probably didn’t realize that she was getting spanked for real!!  She took it as best she could (a super trooper) – actually harder than she probably would’ve liked.  She was a sport and left with a very sore bottom.  She actually couldn’t sit down after this shoot.  Not making this up.  A worthy scene for the 50th Episode.  Veronica will have to start thinking long and hard to top this scene by the time we reach Episode 100.

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Oops One more Nomination

by on Dec.24, 2014, under Spanking

One of my excellent members pointed out how I missed that Veronica Ricci also was nominated for Best Spankee of 2014. Here is where to vote if you are inclined to vote for the excellent Ms. Ricci  VOTE HERE.

Veronica Ricci earning her spanking award nomination

Veronica Ricci earning her spanking award nomination

It’s a great group of nominees but Veronica is definitely worthy (as many on the list are of course).

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Spanking Award Suggestions

by on Dec.19, 2014, under Spanking

The excellent Spanking Chef is holding spanking awards for various categories on his blog.  The three nominations I encourage members and/or fans of my sites to vote for are

Vote for Gigi Allens


1. Gigi Allens as Best New Spanking Model of 2014.  Gigi is one of the best females at spanking and can take a good spanking on her curvy bottom as well. She is also one of the most beautiful women on the planet and she is into spanking, gets what makes a great scene, and delivers verbally and physically. Spectacular and well worth taking a few seconds of your time to VOTE  for her.

Veronica Ricci displays her excellent facial reactions

Veronica Ricci displays her excellent facial reactions

And her nice bottom

And her nice bottom

2. Veronica Ricci for best facial reactions during a spanking.  Veronica has been at it for a while (she won best new spanking model a few years back) and like Gigi, she is an outstanding female top, and can take a really hard spanking as well. Veronica really understands all the nuances that make up a great scene and embraces her facial reactions, which are fitting of her personality – a mix of comedy, anxiety and pain.  Hope you agree that she is worthy of your VOTE.

EE9 has impressive cast and action!

EE9 has impressive cast and action!

3.  Exclusive Education 9 for best Long Play Series.  I don’t think I need to explain why this deserves to win. If you have seen it, you will know. VOTE HERE

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Happy Labor Day Spanking

by on Sep.01, 2014, under Spanking

Happy Labor Day!  Have I ever done a Labor Day spanking shoot?  Well if you consider “labor” to mean jobs, then there is an entire CF site dedicated to Labor with our Spanking Veronica Works site.

Ivy Sherwood spanks bad lawyer Veronica in current episode

Ivy Sherwood spanks bad lawyer Veronica in current episode

It is always a blast to shoot for this site as Veronica bounces from job to job, never quite perfecting her next trade, which always ends up with someone getting spanked.  Usually everyone in the scene.

On Spanking Veronica Works Veronica gets to spank everyone

On Spanking Veronica Works Veronica gets to spank everyone

Now if you add in someone who is pregnant (about to go into Labor) to the equation,then I have only one TRUE “labor” day shoot and that is episode 19 of the jobs site.

In episode 19 Veronica is a pregnant officer who spanks bad girls

In episode 19 Veronica is a pregnant officer who spanks bad girls

Veronica is NOT really pregnant of course (as far as I know I have never shot a pregnant lady for a spanking shoot), but for this episode she plays a very pregnant (false tummy) juvie officer who spanks young Chloe Amour and Lynn Pops to warn them about the dangers of teen pregnancy. Of course they overpower her and give the lady a pregnant spanking.

Pregnant or not, the bad girls return the spanking

Pregnant or not, the bad girls return the spanking

So there are two kinds of labor spanking right there (job related, and about to go into labor related). Once the lady is finished with her Labor, the baby is born, and possibly spanked at birth (do they still do that?).

Are people still spanked at birth?

Are people still spanked at birth?

Maybe that birth spanking begins a life of getting spanked for that child. Or at the very least kicks off that child’s tradition of birthday spankings.

But that is another blog for another day.

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Remembering Hollie Stevens

by on Jul.07, 2014, under Spanking

Hollie Stevens was lost to us just over 2 years ago.  Lost but not forgotten. I shot with Hollie a few times and we always talked about doing a clown spanking scene. Her fans all know how much she loved dressing up like a clown to do fetish and/or porn. She was considered a pioneer in Clown Porn in fact.

Karla Kush and Veronica make excellent clowns

Karla Kush and Veronica make excellent clowns

Well as a tribute to Hollie’s idea, we shot a clown spanking scene with Veronica Ricci and Karla Kush that is now running on Spanking Veronica Works.

Veronica can clown and spank with the best of them

Veronica can clown and spank with the best of them

We didn’t commit to the face paint, as Hollie intended to, but we did have great costumes and two perfect models to give this idea a great go of it.

Karla shows Veronica that noise makers can be harmful to your bum

Karla shows Veronica that noise makers can be harmful to your bum

There is plenty of great clowning, singing, goofy props and of course spanking in this high energy outstanding scene in which Veronica and Karla went all in.

Hollie Stevens appears on My Spanking Roommate site

Hollie Stevens appears on My Spanking Roommate site

A nice way to remember Hollie with a smile.

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Spank Plank

by on Jul.03, 2014, under Spanking

Planking never really caught on. If it only included spanking, perhaps it would have. A recent scene on My Spanking Roommate is one of my new favorites.

Three beautiful ladies with curvy bottoms all spank each other, including Veronica Ricci, Madison Martin and Mary Jane.

Start of a spank plank craze?

Start of a spank plank craze?

Of course it was the clever Veronica who thought to plank while getting spanked. Entertaining scene with hard action including a heavy wooden bath brush.

If planking ever makes a come back, maybe it will be traced to this scene.

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It’s Gigi Allens Week

by on Feb.15, 2014, under spanked call girls, Spanking

No, not the former punker, but the super model who shoots spanking scenes for us – that Gigi Allens. She is tall. She is blonde. She has an amazing bottom. She is beautiful, sexy charming etc. etc. And this week she is on three sites.

Gigi is a natural spanker

Gigi is a natural spanker

Gigi can also take a good spanking

Gigi can also take a good spanking

First, she appears on Spanked Call Girls, where she does sexy battle with Cheyenne Jewel. This was the first ever scene in which Gigi got spanked on camera and she really embraced it – getting spanked and doing the spanking as well. Her long legs, great verbal skills and cute accent make her a top notch top. When I first shoot a model, especially a glamor model, they need some coaching. But Gigi didn’t. I think I heard her tell another model that she used to do some domming. That would make a lot of sense.

Gigi has a cute bee-hind

Gigi has a cute bee-hind

Gigi teaches Veronica to bee-have

Gigi teaches Veronica to bee-have

Second, she appears as a giant bee on Spanking Veronica Works, where she switches with Veronica Ricci. Veronica has worked with many, many models and is not easily impressed.  But she shared with me after the shoot that Gigi was one of the best she ever worked with.

Gigi gets a painful shot where the sun don't shine

Gigi gets a painful shot where the sun don’t shine

Most recently she is on Girl Spanks Girl doing an erotic scene with Cheyenne Jewel, who plays a nurse to Gigi’s flight attendant. Gigi confessed at the shoot that she sometimes enjoys being spanked and also that she was spanked growing up, which of course makes her a great candidate for the Spanked Sweeties site.

Can’t wait to shoot Gigi again. In fact, I’m shooting her tomorrow.

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The Week of the Tall Hotties

by on Jan.29, 2014, under Spanking

I had three shoots last week, and they all featured unusually tall hotties. Now I must confess that I love to shoot tall models in spanking scenes. Their long legs are great for putting someone over-the-knee. And when they are getting spanked, seeing the long legs kicking and what-not, well, it’s all good.

Veronica Ricci was in two of the shoots, the first and last of the week. She shot with Gigi Allens, who checks in at around 5′ 10″.  Giggi is a stunning blonde with an amazing body. Presently Gigi is in a scene with Cheyenne Jewel that is running on Spanked Call Girls.

Gigi Allens gets buzz as bee

Gigi Allens generates  buzz for playing a bee

Gigi is fantastic, with such a cute Australian accent.  You gotta love the way she says “spanking!” The scene Gigi shot with Veronica that will appear soon on Spanking Veronica Works is all about bees.  As in Veronica plays a bee keeper and finds a giant bee (Gigi) in her backyard. Lots of spanking ensues.  Stingy spanking on girl’s bums who don’t bee-have.

Alexis Grace is tall whether suspended or not

Alexis Grace is tall whether suspended or not

Next up was Alexis Grace, who shot with Bettie Bondage.  Alexis is an even 6 ft tall.  Bettie spanked her long and hard in a scene that will be appearing next week on Hot Girls Spanked.  She used a handful of implements that left Alexis in tears.  It was shot 37 minutes without stopping but I will break up the clips for the clip store.

Mia Vallis is a naughty roommate

Mia Vallis is a tall, naughty roommate

The final tall girl (the tallest one in fact) was the lovely Mia Vallis, who stands a whopping 6’2″. Included in the scenes Mia shot was one in which she and Veronica play volleyball players (Mia of course did play volleyball). Mia is becoming a recurring character on My Spanking Roommate, so of course shot for that site as well.

Don’t know if I’ll ever have a week like this again, shooting 4 super tall ladies (Veronica is also very tall), but I sure hope so.

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My Favorite Spanking Scenes of 2013

by on Jan.11, 2014, under Spanking

I may be tad late for my year end list of favorite spanking scenes, but better late than never I always say.  And keep in mind there were too many great ones to choose from, so my head exploded trying to make this list (that’s why it is so late). Also good to note that my favorite is girl spanking girl so that is all you will find on this list. And while other sites often make great spanking scenes, I am making what I like, so of course all of the scenes happen to be located on my sites.  Here goes (in reverse order)

Kay spanking Anikka Albrite on My Spanking Roommate

Kay spanking Anikka Albrite on My Spanking Roommate

10. Episode 147 from My Spanking Roommate. Kay Richards (Kymberly Jane) was spanked in Episode 144 by Anikka Albrite, who as it happens is quite a hard spanker.  But in this Episode, Kym got to spank Anikka, who has about as amazing as a bottom that you will find anywhere. And it jiggles nicely when spanked. And Anikka, not being used to getting spanked, nearly cried from this hand spanking.

Snow Mercy dominates Nikki Rogue

Snow Mercy dominates Nikki Rogue

9. Domme and Dommer from Spanked Call Girls.  Snow Mercy and Nikki Rogue are two amazing dominatrixs who had a spank-off in France to see who was more dominant. Two sexy pros doing their thing for spanking supremacy. What’s not to love?!

Sarah Gregory joins Spanking Veronica Works

Sarah Gregory joins Spanking Veronica Works

8. Sarah Gregory and Veronica Ricci love spanking each other. And this was their best switch scene, which appears on Spanking Veronica Works. So far. Lots of hard spanking and competitiveness going on here.

Madison Martin is dangerous with a paddle

Madison Martin is dangerous with a paddle

7. The Pinata spanking scene from Spanked Call Girls was a fan favorite that I loved as well. It starred 5 models all with nice big bums and was some of Madison Martin’s finest work. Ashley Rose and Aaliyah Love also stand out in this scene that was conceived and directed by Veronica.

Alexis Grace shows who is boss

Alexis Grace shows who is boss

6. Alexis Grace is extremely dominant and a very tall and powerful beauty. She controls this sexually charged scene that features two hotties, Layden Sin and Alyssa Branch. It lives in the erotic section of Girl Spanks Girl.

Syren De Mer as mom makes Jenna Rose cry

Syren De Mer as mom makes Jenna Rose cry

5. Ever since her first scene, MILF Syren De Mer has been wildly popular. She plays mom to Jenna Rose in one of the greatest Spanked Sweeties ever. Jenna cries real tears in this memorable scene.

Veronica paddles Starry Knight with "trouble paddle"

Veronica paddles Starry Knight with “trouble paddle”

4. Veronica has become quite an accomplished spanker and she did some of her finest work playing Starry Knight’s nanny on Spanked Sweeties. She spanked Starry long and hard with her hand and a large paddle. Starry cried in this scene and couldn’t believe how realistic and painful it was. Starry talked in her interview on Sweeties about how her nanny kept a paddle that she called “the trouble paddle” that was used on Starry when she was very naughty. Veronica embraced this and made this a spectacular scene!

Koko Kitten witnesses the return of Paris Kennedy

Koko Kitten witnesses the return of Paris Kennedy

3. I have shot a lot of scenes with multiple girls, but this scene on Spanking Sorority Girls just might be my favorite. It features 11 fantastic models and includes Paris Kennedy’s return to the sites. Ginger Sparks, Snow Mercy, Sarah Gregory, Christie Cutie, Koko Kitten and Phoenix Askani were some of the other stars. I would hold this up against any big scene ever shot in the spanking world as maybe the all time best big cast production.

Clare Fonda and Casey Calvert in historic scene

Clare Fonda and Casey Calvert in historic scene

2. The return of legend Clare Fonda to the spanking world coupled with up-and-coming superstar Casey Clavert, who also happened to be my 300th model, helped make this scene magical. And Clare brought the very traditional spanking style back to Girl Spanks Girl, which is much appreciated.

See what makes Christie Cutie so spankable!

See what makes Christie Cutie so spankable!

1. This scene went much longer than originally planned. And it was charged up with exploding energy from Christie Cutie and Veronica Ricci, who took extra care to make sure that Christie was fully humiliated along with being in pain. The set was a bizarre looking office that added to the quirkiness. There is some humor in the scene, but it also violent and angry and the spankings are very hard. This is a masterful scene that stood out to me from a long list of excellent and amazing scenes (not an easy task choosing my favorites). If you haven’t seen it, it’s on Spanking Veronica Works and you should check it out if you love to see girls spanking girls!!

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The Whacks Heard Around the World

by on Jan.06, 2014, under Spanking

Exactly 20 years ago on this very day in Detroit, Michigan, Nancy Kerrigan was whacked on her knee by Tonya Harding’s ex. It was called the “Whack Heard Around the World” because it meant the princess ice skater most likely wouldn’t be available for her next competition.

Which she wasn’t. She was better in time for the Olympics however, but still didn’t win gold. Tonya became a mess after that for her alleged involvement in the incident. If spanking was more widely accepted, perhaps the rift could’ve been resolved if Nancy was simply allowed to spank Tonya.

Trailer Trash vs. Ice Princess - spank off

Trailer Trash vs. Ice Princess – spank off

And of course since Nancy was a little spoiled, perhaps she could’ve used a good spanking, too.  It is with the spirit of this famous “whacking” that we present to you on this day, exactly 20 years after the famous incident, our own version with Veronica Ricci playing Tonya and Jenna Rose playing Nancy.

Two Penthouse Playmates of the year, whacking and spanking each other hard.  Our best possible tribute – now on Spanking Veronica Works.

You can read the article all about the original whack event HERE.

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