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Tag: Yasmine de Leon spanking

GSG Upates

by on Feb.28, 2016, under Spanked school girls

As some of you have noted, I put up a bunch of updates for Girl Spanks Girl that covered over a week. It’s rare that I do that and this is the only site that doesn’t include remote or timed updates as it is still running off the old Dreamweaver software that doesn’t allow for scheduled updates in advance. This is getting changed over, but that could take a while.  In the meantime, I finally found an older version of Dreamweaver that I can use for a while (I lost my newer version when my computer crashed a few weeks ago).

Principal Miller holds detention at her home on a Saturday.

Principal Miller holds detention at her home on a Saturday.

So sorry to those members who enjoy the daily updates – but the regular update world will be back in action soon (from March 3rd and on). In the meantime, enjoy a sneak peek photo of Exclusive Education 10, Part 2, which is coming soon to the site.

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