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Tag: Ziva Fey spanking

Episode 400 of Sorority Site Is Here

by on Oct.06, 2024, under mother/daughter spanking, Spanked school girls, Spanking, spanking sorority girls

The 400th episode of the Spanking Sorority Girls site is up now. The first 300 episodes featured a heavy volume of Veronica Ricci appearances, with the site kicking off with her and Miss Crystal (playing her strict mom) in 2013. Veronica also appears in Episode 100, 200 and 300 (all pictured below).

L to R episode 1-100-200-300 starring Veronica Ricci with Snow spanked in Episode 100

Over the years, there have been hundreds of ladies getting their bottoms spanked, paddled and sometimes caned as the site has transitioned to a multi model site with a just few ladies making frequent appearances, such as teacher Snow Mercy, who has been there from the beginning and also appears in Episode 400 (pictured below).

400th episode teacher Snow Mercy spanks Ziva Fey to tears. Look for lots of Snow to come!

Also starring in Episode 400 is Ziva Fey, who takes a very hard hand spanking from Snow that brought her to tears. Hope you enjoy this site that features lots of schoolgirl scenarios, as we now take our spanking journey toward another 100 episodes.

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Office Spanking Series Kicks Off

by on Aug.07, 2021, under Spanking

We have started a new series on Girl Spanks Girl called “Company Policy.” It engages a very popular idea that a company could have a spanking clause in order to use corporal punishment when an employee breaks the rules, instead of being fired.

Lovely Ziva Fey gets spanked by strict boss Snow Mercy in her first ever scene for our sites

The first episode kicks off with Snow Mercy as the owner of a perfume company (she actually does have a perfume line). When her new HR director, played by Ziva Fey (appearing for the first time on our sites), breaks the rules, she gets the choice – be fired or take a spanking.

Ziva shows off her toned bottom in this tight pencil skirt that doesn’t stay on very long

Of course Ziva takes the spanking. Ziva was a delight to work with!  She can take a very sound spanking, but her reactions are very real here. She had a very sore bottom after this scene and truly had trouble sitting the rest of the day.

Ziva counts out 10 hard whacks with the dreaded thick wooden Jokari paddle

The spanking includes a ruler, and ends with 10 whacks with a large wooden paddle, that Ziva must count out. She then gets sent to the corner where she rubs her sore bottom, while being humiliated by the idea that the rest of the office heard her get spanked by the boss.

Look for 3 more episodes in this series, including a model making her first every appearance in a spanking video.

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