by admin on Mar.17, 2012, under Spanking

Happy St. Patrick’s Day. I’m half Irish and I’m not wearing any green. Yikes. So how did that whole pinch you if you’re not wearing green tradition start anyway?
Well, this is all a strange way of featuring Madonna’s ass bruise – which is heart shaped by the way. It’s all on the news and web how Madonna posted photos of her heart-shaped bruised bottom that she claims to have gotten from falling while dancing. Maybe.
There is a lot of hate thrown Madonna’s way, but really, spankos should love her. She is open about sexuality and obviously is really into spanking. She talks about it often and heck, even sang a song about spanking.
So was the bruise made from a fall? A heart-shaped paddle perhaps? Or maybe she forgot to wear green today and someone gave her a nasty pinch. I see you Madonna.